Chapter 53

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"So, What did you and Misty talk about last night?" Ash asked with a smirk on his face. Damn, he's not as gullible as I thought. "Oh nothing, just a surprise for you." I said with a smile. Ash gave me a confused look, "Oh, really? How is that gonna work? You know what, don't tell me. I want to be completely surprised." I gave a sigh of relief. I didn't know how I'd tell him even if I wanted to right now. He laughed at me sigh and dragged me back to the entrance, "Come on, we have to meet my mom at her hotel. How about we ride your board? Pikachu can sit in my bag, right buddy?" Pikachu gave him a nod and a fist bump in the air. Seeing his Pokemon act that way made me laugh. I handed my board and remote to Ash as we got outside of the main doors. Ash put the board down on the ground, "make sure you hold on tight, okay?" I nodded at him as he got on and I stabilized myself on the board with him. I saw pikachu bury himself into Ash's bag as he started to take off. I was nervous to be on the board with him so I buried my face into his back. Feeling a fast wind against my arms and legs only made it worse. I began to cling to onto Ash. I could hear him try to tell me something but my sudden fear made him inaudible to me. Hearing his heart beat when I pressed my ear to his back comforted me. It wasn't racing like mine was. Maybe having myself wrapped around him is making him less afraid. In that case, I sure hope so.

Luckily for me, I soon felt us come to a stop and Ash got off and pulled me into an embrace. "Was that scary?" I shook my head in embarrassment, "What, me scared of that? No way!" I didn't want to look like a pussy. Ash laughed at my remark and I playfully hit him before wrapping myself back up in his embrace. "Okay, maybe I was a little scared." Ash held me tighter, "I could tell. I was too. But because you were being clingy, it gave me some guts to keep going." I felt a blush coming onto my face as I held onto him tighter.  I unlocked our embrace and Ash handed me the remote and board back. I put the remote back into the pocket of my skirt. I took the board from him and asked, "This is where your mom is staying?" He gave me a nod as he started up the steps into this huge hotel. I followed behind him. I was kinda nervous to actually meet his mother in person. Yeah, I've talked to her on a video call but its never the same as how they act in person. I followed Ash, sure to stay behind him. I could feel my bashfulness kicking in. This is not gonna be a fun introduction. Ash could tell I was being quiet, "It'll be okay, Serena! I wont leave you two alone if you're afraid that she'll bite or something." I shook my head, "Don't even think of leaving me. I'll sit on your lap to make sure you don't." He chuckled as he held my hand as we approached the elevator. It's better than climbing who knows how many stairs. I looked over at Ash and gave him a quick kiss on the neck as the elevator opened and we got inside. Ash pressed the button for the fifth floor and it soon closed and started rising. I let out a loud yawn. "How are you tired already?" I shrugged and replied, "I don't know. I didn't feel like I got much sleep plus I had a rude awakening." He nodded with his eyes turning into a look of sympathy. I laid my head on his shoulder as I took his hand in mine. The elevator opened up, and we walked out. Ash seemed to know where he was going. He pulled me in one direction that was the opposite of what I was expecting. We got to the room and knocked on the door. Almost instantly, the figure I remembered from my childhood appeared. I used to hate being greeted by her because I knew it basically meant, "Ash is not going to see you today." This time was different. She welcomed us in with a warming smile. I almost instantly didn't recognize this attitude towards me. She seemed happy to see me instead of viewing me as a dismissible nuisance. "Hi Ash, Serena, It's been so long." She seemed to almost not remember how she used to treat me. I shrugged it off and said, "It has, hasn't it?" She nodded in agreement as we walked in and Ash closed the door behind us. "So how is my daughter?" I didn't know what she was talking about. She continued, "Ash said he proposed the other day, did he not?" Ohh...that's what she meant. "He did, sorry. I kinda didn't realize what you meant at first." Ash sat down on a couch in the room and as I told him, I sat on his lap and his mother placed herself on the bed in the room. I smiled at Ash as I kissed his cheek one more time. We spent most of the time making small talk about what Ash has been doing since arriving in Kalos and what I've done since leaving Kanto. I think I let my fear of Ash's mother get to me. Talking to her really wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. Eventually it started getting late and I was beyond too tired to go back to the pokemon center tonight. We decided to pull out the couch in the room for the night and that is what we did. We all got ready for bed as I laid with Ash. We did our typical before-bed routine and I found myself asleep really quickly.

Alright, So...I've got some explaining, don't I? I figured that much. Anyways, I can tell you guys that Weekday uploads will be rare in the coming weeks. School is starting to consume the majority of my time now. Weekends will probably be the only time I'll update. To make it up to you guys, I've decided to do some things. One is what I am debating on at the time of writing this but one is what I want to do. I'll do a Q&A for you guys that wanna know anything about me or my plans on wattpad. The debatable thing I am considering has to do with another possible book of me writing.  The idea is for me to write about my cancer journey while most of it is still in my memory. I would've done that years ago if I didn't have a extremely small vocabulary and lack of medical knowledge regarding my situation. If you guys are interested in that let me know. If you just want to know some simple question regarding cancer, (I.E. "What cancer did you have?) that I will put into my Q&A. I will allow questions to come in and the answers will come next weekend to allow time for anyone to comment a question. I think I've ranted on enough so leave your questions in the comment section!

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