Chapter 33

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"Hmm?" I woke groggily once again.
"Sere, get up! I've got an idea of what to do today." I sat up.
"Why are you calling me Sere?"
"Why not? I think it's kinda cute for you. If you don't like it-"
"I really don't Ash. I'm sorry. Im still tired. What do you have in mind?"
"Urm...Nevermind. I'm gonna head out. You can just stay here." I fell back onto the bed, watching Ash leave. Whatever, he'll be back. I know it. I closed my eyes and decided to take a little nap.

(Ash PoV)
I guess Serena must be agitated with me. I guess I'll just go train with my pokemon since Serena doesn't want to do anything with me today. I closed our room door and headed to the battlefield. I guess I must've really pissed her off with the nickname. It was just a shortened version of her name. I thought she wouldn't mind. Oh well. I decided to let Pikachu on my shoulder.
"Pika, pi?"
"No, Pikachu, I'm just kinda down because Serena has never acted like that way towards me."
"Pika pika pi! Pikachu."
"Maybe you're right, Pikachu. There's gotta be a reason she acted that way. Either way, She's probably annoyed so I'll leave her alone."
"I know. But if I go back now, she probably won't want to hear what I say." All Pikachu responded with was a nod. We reached the battlefield. I let out everyone: Greninja, Hawlucha, Fletchinder, and of course, Pikachu.
"Okay! You guys pair up with someone who you're typically weak against and battle. I want you to try and hone your skills you think you need to increase. I'm gonna take a couple laps in the forest to get warmed up!" They all nodded, except Pikachu. Pikachu knew what I was doing. I started putting on a fake smile as I ran off. I would be back, just after I cleared my head.

Serena's PoV
I couldn't fall back to sleep. I kept thinking of what I said to Ash. I was so mean to him. I should go find him. That's when I heard the door open. "Ash! I'm so-" it wasn't Ash, it was Pikachu. He looked worried. "It's about Ash, isn't it Pikachu?" He nodded, almost like he was scared. "I'm coming Pikachu. I just gotta throw on my clothes." I said as I quickly got up and pulled up my skirt and pulled on my tank top. I probably looked terrible but I didn't care. Ash was out there and it seemed like he abandoned pikachu. "Come on Pikachu, show me where he is" I opened the door and Pikachu scurried off, with me tailing him. He led me to the battlefield where I found all of Ash's pokemon battling each other. "Guys! Stop battling! Where is Ash?!" They all stopped and looked at me, looks of not knowing were all on their faces. "Guys, we need to find him! Show me which way he went!" They all headed into the forest with Pikach in the lead. I followed them and they stopped and pointed at Ash, sitting on a log. He was looking down at the ground. I looked at Ash's pokemon and whispered to them, "I'll go talk to him. You stay here." They all nodded in agreement. I walked up to Ash and sat beside him on the log. He didn't notice I was there. I wrapped my arm around him and spoke up, "Ash, what's on your mind?" He looked up at me, "Sorry. I'm just depressed about what happened earlier. You went off on me and I don't know why." He nuzzled his head into my should. I felt guilty. "I guess I owe you an explanation then. I'm sorry for going off on you. I was really mean. Anyways, after I left Kanto, I started school here in Kalos. There was always this group of girls picking on me. They never did much until a few years later. They started to hit me and slap me. They threatened worse if I told anyone. They always called me 'Sere' when they did all those awful things. I've hated being called Sere ever since. I didn't mean to go all out on you but I honestly thought you were those girls trying to pick on me at first. I'm really sorry Ash. I do love you. You're the only one who has ever treated me with love." I noticed as I was going on, Ash held me and kisses my neck several times. "I'm sorry Serena. I had no clue. I wish I had been there for you."
"I always wished you would come protect me after I got into an incident. Finally you're here and I know you'll protect me. Especially after Miette." I hugged him and kissed his lips. His lips never gave me more comfort than right now. It was difficult explaining my past to him. We released our lips. "Ash? What did you want to do with me today?"
"We can do it tomorrow. I just want to spend an evening with you. I thought that we could make you a pokevision video to promote your win at the showcase."
"Sounds great! Let's go hang out somewhere fun for now!"
"I heard there's a carnival that's open! We should go!" Ash exclaimed. "Sure! Come on! Let's go!" I said, pulling Ash back to the pokemon center.

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