Chapter 6

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I awoke to my Ashy waking me up with breakfast. He cooks? That was always Clemont's thing!
"Hey Serena. Me, Fennekin, and Pikachu made you breakfast." I saw the pokemon right next to ash, gleaming with pride. I took the tray Ash had handed me and set it next to me on the bed. They made pancakes and bacon! A classic, but my favorite type of breakfast! There was also a glass of milk and orange juice.
"I didn't know which you'd prefer so i made a glass of each" Ash said as he sat on the end of the bed. I blushed and took a sip of the Orange juice that was so sweet. I unwrapped the silverware on the tray and took a bite of the pancakes that Ash had drizzled with syrup.
"Wow Ash! This is amazing!" I told him. I could see him blush and it's always so cute.
"Fennekin and Pikachu helped out too" he tried to give the pokemon all the credit. That's so sweet of him. I continued to eat and Ash had just sat there and watched me.
"Y'know, Serena. It looks to me like Fennekin is about ready to evolve!"
I looked down towards fennekin and she nodded in agreement with Ash. Fennekin about to evolve? That's new. I've seen Ash's pokemon evolve but never my own.
"I guess you're right! I can't wait to see what Fennekin evolves into!" I squealed.
"Why don't we go out today and try and catch you some more pokemon? Fennekin is all you have right now and it wouldn't hurt to have more." I agreed with ash and finished my last piece of bacon. Ash took my tray and cleaned it in the kitchen. He cleans too? I guess he does since he's always getting himself dirty! I got up from bed and told Ash that I was taking a shower. He checked my foot and we agreed that rest was what i needed. Plus having Ash's arms around me is always a plus!

While I was showering, i was trying to think of ways I can show ash I love him. Maybe I'll get him a He's done so much for me that a simple gift won't make up for it. I let out an annoyed sigh and got out of the shower. I looked at my hair in the mirror and glanced down at my chest. I wonder if Ash likes them? I put my bra on and decide to think about it later. I walk out with the towel around my waist and grab my skirt, top, and underwear. I decided I'll wait to put my socks on. I went back into the restroom and put my clothes on. I then brushed my long dark hair. Keeping it looking good is a lot of work. I walked out and gave Ash a hug and thanked for a great breakfast. He kissed my forehead and told me that it was his pleasure. Awe! We decided that we were going to the forest to find me a new pokemon and maybe get Fennekin to evolve. I put my high socks on and realized Ash was giving me a glance as me putting on my socks. Did he think I was looking cute today?
"Ash, it's not nice to stare!" I teased him
"Oh...sorry. I just got caught off-guard by your beauty." Awe! He's so great. I got up and kissed him and asked if he was ready to go. He nodded in agreement.

When we got to the forest, Ash let out froakie and Hawlucha. I let Fennekin come out since I'd use her to capture my next pokemon. We walked through the forest for a bit then we encountered a pancham. It's so cute! I knew i had to catch it. I intiated a battle with the little pancham and commanded Fennekin to use ember. Fennekin's attack landed and the pancham was weakened!
"Quick Serena! Use a pokeball!"
I looked back and nodded and yelled, "Pancham, you're mine now!" As i threw the pokeball. I saw pancham disappear and the pokeball shook once, twice...and out came pancham! Oh no, I didn't catch him!
"Serena! Weaken it then try again!" Ash had such confidence in me. I'm not going to let him down! I ordered Fennekin to use ember again but before she could attack, pancham used dark pulse and it hit fennekin! Fennekin fell over and I ran to her. "Are you alright, fennekin?" I said to my first pokemon. I let a tear out thinking she was in trouble. Before I knew it, Fennekin was up and had an aura around it!
"Fennekin is evolving!" I heard Ash exclaim
"Pika! Pikachu!" I could hear Pikachu cheering me on! The evolution aura disappeared and i could hear this evolved fennekin yell out "braix! braixen!" I scanned this new pokemon with my pokedex to show that fennekin evolved into braixen. "So it's a braixen" me and ash said at the same time. I had a new burst of energy and i swore i would capture the pancham.
"Fennekin, uh i mean Braixen! Use flamethrower!" I called out to braixen, not being used to what to call her yet. Braixen twirled a twig in her fur then let out a wave of fire towards pancham before it could dodge. I realized this pancham was weak enough now. I threw my pokeball at the little dizzy pancham and it disappeared into the pokeball. It shook once, twice, three times then the center circle turned white. I ran to pick up the pokeball and exclaimed "Ash! We caught a pancham!" Ash ran up and hugged me and I gave him a kiss. I then walked over to braixen and said, "Braixen, I'm sorry for calling you fennekin. You're not a fennekin anymore! I'll have to get used to this now." I blushes as i reflected on my mistake. Braixen accepted my apology and took my hands. "Braix" she had said empathetically. Ash came and said, "wow, i knew fennekin was ready to evolve but i never thought it would happen so soon. Now she's a braixen!" I nuzzled my head into ash and said "Yep, she's a braixen now! Uh, Ash, how long have we been out here?"
"It's currently about four so maybe we should head back to the pokemon center. I'm sure bonnie wants to see your new pokemon!" He said as he wrapped his arms around me and we walked the way we came. I felt a sense of pride now that I had caught my first pokemon. I'm glad I did it with Ash watching me! We headed back to the pokemon center to see clemont and bonnie again.

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