Chapter 40

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As we headed back to the pokemon center, I got a text from an unknown number saying, "Have all the fun with Ash that you can because he'll be mine soon." Who the fuck was this? It's probably nothing. Ash wouldn't leave me for somebody that's trying to purposely take him away from me. I shrugged it as being someone who purposely wants to annoy me. "So what game are we gonna play once we get to the pokemon center?" I asked.
"Urm... How about truth or dare?" Misty suggested.
"We don't want to that Misty. We'd have to age restrict it." Ash said to Misty.
"You're right, Ash." I said. Misty didn't seem too happy that I sided with Ash on this argument.
"Maybe we could," Ash stopped mid-sentence, "I've got no ideas actually."
" I don't have any ideas either. I know for a fact this pokemon center doesn't have any board games or anything. I've checked before." I said to the group. Bonnie seemed to be really disappointed. Ip felt bad for not having an idea as to what we could do. Then Bonnie let out a loud yawn. "I guess it's somebody's bedtime." Clemont said in a parental tone. After all, he was almost like a parent to Bonnie since neither of their parents traveled with us, thankfully. That would be really awkward fir all of us, including the sibling duo.

Finally, we reached the pokemon center and Bonnie and Clemont got a room for themselves while we allowed Misty to stay with Ash and I. Ash, Misty and I agreed to play truth or dare by ourselves in our room to kill some time before we all go to sleep. Once we got into our room, we all sat in a circle by the TV. "I'll go first. Misty, truth or dare?"
"Have you talked to brick since him and I traveled together?"
"Yes actually. He came by my gym on the way to pewter city."
"So Misty, your turn" I said.
"Okay, Ash, truth or dare?"
"Dare." Ash replied.
"Go into the hallway and yell, 'I hate pokemon!'"
"I'm not doing that!"
"Then, you owe me a drink since you won't do it!"
"Fine," Ash pouted, "Serena, you're up"
"Ok. Misty, truth or dare?"
"Dare." She replied.
"Alright, I dare you to remove one article of clothing," I smirked. She began to get up and she took off her shorts.
"I didn't think you'd actually go through with it," I said, kinda shocked. Ash spoke up, "Misty always goes through with the dares. Anyway, Serena, truth or dare?"
"Truth." I replied.
"Alright, what will you do when you become Kalos queen?"
"I don't know, but I will not allow us to be separated!" The thought of Kalos queen duties making Ash and I separate made me shudder.
"Okay," Misty's turn, "Ash, truth or dare?"
"Alright, it's your turn to remove some clothing!" As she said that, Ash took off his cap and tossed it at Misty. It made me giggle. Misty tossed his cap back at Ash. Ash's hair looked really messed up without his hat. I guess it's Misty's turn.
"Ash, truth or dare?"
"Uh, truth." Misty leaned in and whispered something to Ash. Ash broke it up and spoke, "I doubt it but maybe." I let out a yawn and said, "Maybe we should go to bed. We have the carnival to look forward to tomorrow." I didn't feel like playing anymore and I felt unsure about what Misty said to Ash. I got up and laid in our bed. I started thinning about what Misty could've possibly said to Ash. I didn't like how she felt the need to whisper it to Ash. It started making me nervous. Misty isn't planning to take Ash, is she? I won't allow it! I'll stay super close to Ash from here on out! I must've got super deep in thought because I didn't notice ashy had already got in bed with me. "Ash," I whispered, "what did misty ask you?"
"I'll tell you in the morning. I promise it's nothing to worry about."
"Saying that only makes me worry more!"
"Will this calm you down?" He asked the kissed me on my lips. I nodded, "That eases my mind a little. Will you hold me too?" I wanted to stay quiet while talking so Misty didn't hear me. Ash wrapped those nice warm arms around me and pulled me in close. I did feel better. "I love you Ash. You love me, right?" I said, partially scared he'd say no. "Serena, of course I do. You're the only one I've ever loved. You shouldn't have to ask me if I love you."
"Thanks, Ash." I said as I nuzzled my head into his chest comfortably. I started feeling sleepy in Ash's warm embrace. It felt so warn and I didn't want this moment to end. His love is what made it even more comforting to me. I soon gave into my sleepiness and fell asleep with Ash again.

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