Chapter 9

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"What did you say Ash?!" I whispered to him. Surely he didn't mean to marry me so soon, right?
"Oh, no Serena. I meant one day. Whenever we're ready." I sighed out if relief. "Oh good, I thought you meant right now. You scared me, Ash." He looked down like he felt guilty. He apologized to me. I hugged him tight as we walked. I hopefully didn't make him mad. "Ash, how about you start thinking of what my wedding dress will look like and how you'll carry me away from the church." I tried saying in a flirty tone to cheer him up. I think it worked because he was turning red and smiling. I fiddled with my promise ring out of habit. Hmm...I want to be Ash's wife now but it seems too early! I just continued walking with Ash by my side, pulling Bonnie in the wagon with Clemont trailing behind.

A while later, we stopped for a break. Bonnie was asleep in the wagon and we agreed to let her sleep. Clemont was exhausted and decided to take his sleeping bag out and lie under a tree. I wanted Ash to take a walk with me. I wanted to see what was on his mind. 
"Hey Ash? Can we take a walk? Just the two of us." I really didn't want Pikachu around to make it awkward.
"Sure Serena. I'll be there in a second" he told Pikachu to watch over Bonnie. Now I feel bad for not including Pikachu. I can make Pikachu happy no problem! Ash walked over and asked if I was ready. I nodded and reached out for his hand. He took it. "So, what did you want to talk about Serena?"
"I wanted to talk about marriage, Ash."
"Hmm? What about exactly?"
"You still want me to be your wife, right?"
"Yes, I do." He said with a blush.
"Well I do too! In fact, I don't want to wait! Yet, I know it's better for us to wait."
"I see the problem. I feel the same way. What can we do?"
"Not much right now, really. We're still young which sucks!"
"I agree."
"Surely there's something we can do, Ash." I said, nuzzling my head into his shoulder.
"We could act like we had a wedding."
"Ash! That's a great idea. We could say some vows for until we get married for real and seal it with a long kiss."
"Wow, Serena. That does sound like a good idea. I was not thinking that far ahead."
"I could tell, you had a thinking look on your face, babe."
"I've got an idea! Why don't we do it after you win your first princess key?" I hugged him and told him it was a great idea. Just then Pikachu came running up to us. Ash could sense that Pikachu was worried about something. We rushed back, realizing something must be wrong with Bonnie and Clemont.

"Pikachu? What was wrong? Everything is in order here. Bonnie and Clemont are asleep...oh!"
"What is it Ash?"
"Pikachu can't stand feeling lonely for too long. He came to us because he was lonely."
"Really? Awwe Pikachu, I'm sorry. If there's a next time, we'll bring you along." I said. I signalled for Pikachu to come here so i could show i was sorry. He jumped up on my shoulders like he does for ash and nuzzled my face. He then hopped down and snuggled under a tree near Clemont. Ash walked over to Pikachu and petted him before Pikachu started dozing off. I signalled for Ash to come to me.
"What's up Serena?"
"Everyone is asleep. Why don't we stay here tonight. It's a nice spot. Since Clemont is asleep, how about you cook something?"
"I don't know, Serena. I'm-"
"Ash! That breakfast was delightful that you made me. You should try cooking tonight! I can set up our tents." Ash finally agreed and got ready to cook. Hopefully whatever he makes is as yummy as that breakfast he made me. I went and got the tent out of the wagon without disturbing bonnie. She must be a heavy sleeper! I looked over at Ash gathering his ingredients for tonight near the stove that Ash had makeshifted from a firepit. I started working on mine and Ash's tent. Now I see what always took him so long. This was confusing and required a lot of patience. I finally figured it out and got the tent up. I threw in our sleepwear and sleeping bags and an extra blanket in case we got cold. I then got to an area underneath the tree Pikachu and Clemont were sleeping under and set up his tent. His was definitely easier. It seemed like it set itself up. I got out of their tent and I could smell Ash's cooking. My mouth started watering wondering what he was making. I went over to him and said, "Everything is all set, what are you making?"
"I'm just making some tea for later. I put some steak on the grill over here. I planned to find some gravy to top it all off."
"It smells great Ashy! I can't wait to try it!" He blushed and switched the teapot for a pan. I assumed he was heating up the gravy. I headed to our tent and set our sleeping bags all nice for Ash. I put his bag in the corner. I got out and decided to set up the table as well. I saw an old picnic table nearby and pulled it over to our campsite. I put a tablecloth down and some weights so it wouldn't fly off.

It was starting to get towards dusk when Ash put each steak on a plate and drizzled it with his gravy. He set the table as well. He kept our tea on the flame to keep it warm. I decided to wake Bonnie, Clemont and Pikachu. I went over to Pikachu and knelt down and gave him a gentle shake. He jumped up and was about to attack then he realized it was me.
"Pika pi!" He seemed surprised and sorry he was about to attack me. I nodded and forgave him. I then woke Clemont. I shook him and told him, "Clemont! Supper is ready!"
"Huh," he said groggily, " I slept that late? You made dinner without me?" I laughed it off as he got up and went to wake Bonnie up. Ash was already sitting at the table. He had poured us all our tea. He kept quiet until the rest of us sat down to eat.

"Wow, Serena! This is really good!" I heard Clemont say. I was about to correct him before Ash let out, "Yeah Serena, you're a great cook!" He winked at me. I decided to play along with Ash and take the credit. Bonnie was chowing down on her food. I ate slowly, trying to figure out why Ash gave me the credit. It was good but why'd he say I made it? I couldn't think of a reason he would do that. I'll just ask him later. I finished my steak before Ash and went to the river to clean my plate and silverware. Soon Ash came over too.
"How was it?" He asked me.
"My cooking?" I teased him. "Why'd you say I made it anyhow?"
"I don't want Bonnie, let alone Clemont, to find out I made that."
"Why's that, Ash?" I gave him a worried look.
"We both know Bonnie would tease me which isn't that big a deal but I'm afraid I'd be cooking more often. Your breakfast and that is about the only things I know to cook"
"Well, Ash, you could've said that. I only know how to make my pokepuffs and desserts. How about telling them together?"
"I guess you're right. Alright, let's do it." Ash and I had already finished cleaning and started heading back to the group.

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