Chapter 11

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I awoke to the dark room. It was clearly still early morning or near midnight. I felt extremely thirsty and got up to get a drink from the fridge in the room. As I was about to get back into bed, i finished my drink and was shivering freezing. Yeah, I must have a cold. Hopefully it'll die down soon. I quickly hopped back into bed and put my blankets on me. I decided to carefully put Ash's arm back around me. He didn't even notice. I just heard him moan my name in his sleep. Good to know he dreams about me. I dozed off again.

When I awoke this time, both Ash and nurse joy were standing by my bed. Finally after regaining my consciousness, Nurse Joy spoke up.
"Here, take this," she said as she handed me a medicine cup. Ash had a drink ready for me too. "That medicine should bring your fever down for awhile." Ash then handed me my drink. I sipped a little bit but then didn't feel like drinking anymore. Ash took my drink and set it on the nightstand nearby. He glanced over me. "You feeling any better?" I tried to speak but no words escaped my mouth. Great, must be a sore throat. I signaled for Ash to bring me a pen and paper. I wrote down "throat sore. Can't talk." I showed it to him. He asked, "Do you need anything?" I wrote down "Just you. Don't leave me alone. Could you please turn on the TV?" I gave him the paper and pen. He read over it and stroked my head before walking over to the TV and getting me the remote. He sat in a chair nearby. "Are you comfortable?" He asked. I shook my head No, then pointed at him to lie with me. He agreed and sat down at my feet. I could tell that he was worried. He wanted to make sure I was okay for right now before cuddling up with me. I sat up and wrapped the blanket around us and wrapped my arms around him as I laid my head on his shoulder. I managed to whisper a few words in his ear. "I love you Ash." It came out sounding raspy. I must really be more sick than I thought. He looked over at me, then said, "I love you too, Serena. Please lie down and rest up. I want to keep an eye on you for a bit" I nodded and signaled for the pen and paper. He gave it to me. I wrote down, "You can keep an eye on me as you lie next to me with your arms keeping me warm." I handed it to him and he said, "That's what you want?" I nodded. "Okay let me put this down then I will. He set the pen and notepad on the floor bear me so I could get it when necessary. He them snuggled up with me as he watched the TV. I fell back to sleep after finding comfort in his arms.

I woke up later to find nurse joy with more medicine and Ash holding a tray. I took the medicine again. As nurse joy was leaving, Ash spoke up, "when will she get better?"
"She should be feeling a lot better by tomorrow morning but it'd be best if you two stay tomorrow as well." Ash nodded as Nurse Joy left. Ash set a tray near me on the bed. "I ordered you some soup and crackers and your favorite drink." I nodded at him and took a spoonful of soup. "Are you able to speak yet?" I tried but shook my head. "Alright, take it easy. I need to go speak with Clemont real quick. Will you be alright?" I grabbed the pen and notepad and wrote, "yes, but hurry back. You're the only thing that makes me comfortable" i handed it to him as I continued eating. He spoke up, "Alright, I'll be back then I'll make you comfy." He walked out and I was alone. I ate and watched the news on the TV. Was that team rocket and Pikachu I saw? No, it can't be. Pikachu is the corner of the room. Maybe Ash encountered them while I was out. I saw Ash on the TV using Frogadier on the Team Rocket balloon. He recovered Pikachu and sent team rocket blasting off once again. I was about to take another bite when I saw Ash being ran up to by a girl and she kissed him! How dare she! I saw Ash quickly pull away then I saw him walk in. He saw what I what I was watching. "You know, that only happened because team rocket took her too." I gave him a look of confusion. He told me the story, "I was training with Clemont and Bonnie. Then some strange girl came out and asked to train with us. Clemont agreed to but I was about to head in to check on you anyway. I turned to head in and heard the girl screaming. Team rocket had caught her and Pikachu. I called out frogadier and he got her out first then you saw what happened. I pulled away from her, explained that I was with you and was going to head in to check on you and she got mad and ran off." I grabbed my pen and paper and wrote down quickly, "it's ok Ash. You pulled away and told me the truth. I forgive you." I gave him the pen and paper. He read it and replied, "Thanks, Serena. I was scared of having to tell you because I thought you'd hate me" he gave me the paper back so I could reply. I wrote, "Ash, I would never hate you. I love you" i handed him back the notepad and finished my soup. He said, "I love you too. I'll try making it up to you." He leaned in and kissed my forehead. I smiled and nodded. He noticed I was done and took my tray into the kitchen and washed the dishes. I laid back, waiting for him to get in bed with me. We heard a knock at the door. Ash went to answer it and I could see Clemont and bonnie standing there. "Is she feeling any better?"
"She should be a lot better by morning but we'll be staying another day just to make sure."
"Can I come see her, Ash?" I could tell that was Bonnie.
"No, Bonnie. We don't want you getting sick too. Maybe in the morning when she's starting to feel better" i could hear Clemont say as he and Bonnie left and Ash shut the door. He got in bed with me and snuggled me up. He made sure to kiss me goodnight. I felt comfortable again with him. I soon fell asleep.

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