Chapter 55

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I giggled at Ash's remark because it was so typical of him, even if he is in pain. I turned and noticed our mothers laughing as well. Probably because of how predictable Ash is. Delia charmed in, "Well we should all know by now to not keep Ash's stomach from waiting for food. How about we go to that restaurant across the street? It's supposed to be some small burger joint." I nodded in agreement and heard Ash groan. I wasn't sure as to if it was from hunger or pain or both. We all seemed to agree with Delia. Ash got up and cleaned up to not look like a mess and I did the same. Our mothers were all ready to go by the time we finished. We exited the room and Delia tried to make a conversation with me. "So Serena, what did you choose for your starter?" I took my pokeball out and release Braixen. "I chose fennekin but she evolved into Braixen not too long ago." Braixen did a nod at me. She must've been glad to get out of her pokeball. I know I would be. I let her walk with us to the restaurant. "Ash, what Pokémon have you caught?" Ash replied, "I caught a froakie which evolved into frogadier then Greninja. I also caught a fletchling which evolved into a fletchinder. Then there's Hawlucha. That's all I have besides...PIKACHU!" I seen Ash quickly fumble around his belt for a pokeball and let Pikachu out. He did not seem happy and shocked Ash. We all looked at him confused. "When I was losing my balance before the wreck, I convinced Pikachu to go inside his pokeball. I forgot to let him back out. Sorry buddy." Pikachu hopped onto my shoulders and crossed his arms and gave Ash a mean look. Delia and my mom laughed at Pikachu. Ash seemed pretty upset that he forgot and Pikachu was being rude to him. I nudged Pikachu and whispered to him, "C'mon, Pikachu, Ash was pretty hurt and he fell asleep as soon as he made it back to the room. It's not his fault. Look at him, he seems pretty upset that he did forget. That means he cares about you." Pikachu understood and gave me a look that told me that I was right and he was wrong. Pikachu hopped over to Ash's shoulder and nuzzled his head. It seemed to cheer Ash up a little bit. I could see a smile come across his face. That smile that I love so much came back to me. We continued walking and I found myself right next to Ash, holding his hand by the moment we reached the hotel elevator. We had quite the quiet walk to the restaurant. Something still seemed off about Ash and our mothers. They were whispering to each other then they would look back at us. Ash was still pretty quiet considering his personality makes him very talkative. We finally arrived at the restaurant. It was just right across the street from Ash's mother's hotel but our mothers insisted on finding a crosswalk to cross the street. We entered and immediately the scent of grease and neat overcame me. It wasn't bad, It's just been quite a long time since I've been in a burger restaurant. We waited a couple of minutes before a waiter came over, "Hello, I'll be your server for tonight. What can I get you to drink or do you already know what you'd like to order?" We all ordered sodas of our preferences. Mine was coke, Ash was Sprite, Delia took a water and Grace had a Dr. Pepper. The waiter wrote down our drinks on his little notepad that servers use. I continued looking over the menu. I could tell that whatever I got would be pretty big from looking at the images on the menu. I could hear Ash talking with our mothers but I blocked it out because I was so indecisive as to what menu item. Then I saw that they served this burger with an egg on it. That sounded delicious. (BTW If any of you can figure out what restaurant I'm making this like, Guess and you'll get a shoutout!) Then I read on in other places like the desserts portion of the menu. There wasn't really anything that interested me there. Just typical sundaes, ice cream and shakes and such. However, I did notice that this restaurant had what they call "bottomless fries." Our Server came back and took our orders. Ash got a quarter-pounder, Grace got Fish and chips, and Delia ordered the same as me. We all gave our menus back and chatted for a bit. Soon enough, I could sense that Ash was back to his normal upbeat self. I was glad, I'd hate to forcefully bring that Ash back to me. I laid my head onto Ash's shoulder while he talked with his mom. I checked my phone out and went onto my social sites. I saw a nearby news article about some pokemon was able to detect its trainer's cancer before it got too serious. Thankfully that all worked out for them. I must've got caught up in reading the article cause when I looked up, I saw the server was bring us out food. I have to admit, the guy was young and cute but nowhere near Ash's  level. The server would randomly eyeball me, which was making me uncomfortable. I had no intentions of leaving Ash for him. After he left, I eased down a bit and enjoyed my food. This egg-burger was really good. I finished up first for a change. I was so full that I didn't even finish all my fries. "Hey, after this, I think Serena and I will head back to the pokemon center." I nodded at Ash when he said that then remembered I left my pokeballs in Delia's room. I brought it up and since I was full, they all let me go. Delia gave me her keycard and I left after giving Ash a kiss on the cheek. I walked across the street immediately instead of going to a crosswalk. I didn't want to be out too long. I entered the hotel and got in the elevator. I went up to Delia's floor and went in her room. I saw my pokeballs on the coffee table. There were four pokeballs which I thought was weird. Then I shrugged it off that maybe Ash had accidentally left Pikachu's pokeball after letting him out. I got my pokeballs and left. I made sure the door lock engaged before I headed to the elevator. I got back down to the lobby and made my way back across the street. I saw our server outside the restaurant door. He looked up at me as I crossed the street. He asked me, "That your boyfriend in there? Ash Ketchum?" I nodded at him, unsure of what he wanted with Ash. "What a shame. I could treat you better than he can." I gave a smile and entered after saying, "I seriously doubt that." I sat back down with Ash and our mothers whom all were still eating. "Hey Ash? Did you leave a pokeball behind? There were four instead of my three." Ash shook his head then showed me his belt with all his pokemon. My mother chimed in, "Oh, I did that. You see, ever since you left, our fletchling has went into a depression. I think he misses you. So, he is yours now. He refuses to evolve. Please do take care of him, Serena." I nodded and looked at the random pokeball. Fletchling? You want to come with me? I smiled at my pokeball as it shook in my hand. I then put it with the rest of mine and continued to pay attention to Ash's conversation. He seemed to be mostly catching up with his mom but I listened in because I wanted to hear more about Ash before he came to Kalos. Ash and his mother were finished, we were justing waiting on my mom to finish up. I was so caught up in Ash's conversation I hadn't realized that Pikachu was snuggling up on my lap. That's when Delia finally spoke up with a sadness in her voice, "Ash, It's saddening that my time with you in Kalos is ending. Will you come visit me soon? I miss you, my son." Before Ash could get his reply in, I spoke up, "I guess it's time I tell you about a surprise I had for Ash. We're coming back to Kanto for a week. I decided we'd go back with you, Delia." I could see Delia tear up from happiness. "So that's what you and Misty were planning then?" I nodded at Ash and kissed his cheek. I could tell what he was thinking. He was relieved that he didn't have to disappoint his mother by staying here with me. Of course, knowing Ash, we'll be back soon enough. We all seemed anxious to get out of the restaurant and head back to our sleeping grounds. We all footed the bill and left. It was a damn good meal.

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