Chapter 7

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We got back to the pokemon center right before dusk. Bonnie and Clemont were waiting for us. Ash had held my hand for our walk and bonnie was happy to see ash arrive with his hand in mine. Clemont seemed glad to see us as well. I decided to head back to our room and shower while Ash trained his pokemon. Before he took off I asked him, "Ash, how about you change your clothes and I'll wash them for you?"
"Sure, Serena. Thanks a lot!" We went back to the room and as soon as I closed it, I couldn't resist the urge to kiss his lips again. I pulled him into my arms and surprised him with a long, passionate kiss. He chuckled when I released him and blushed. It never ceases to make me happy when i see that I caused him to blush. Me and him helped each other change into our sleepwear. I took my clothes and Ash's with me when he took off to train. I then headed down to the basement of the pokemon center, where the laundry room was.

When I got there, i set our clothes on the table. I could tell Ash had left his pokedex and other items in his pocket. I emptied Ash's pocket to find his wallet and pokedex. I wonder if he had any pictures of me! I put our clothes in the washer and decided to open his wallet. When I opened it, i found the picture of me and him from summer camp when we were kids. I removed it and saw Ash had written on the back of the photo. The back had read, "My future wife, Serena." He wants to marry me? Wow! I knew he liked me but I didn't know he liked me enough to marry me! I put the picture back in his wallet and as I closed it, something fell to the floor. I picked it up and inspected it. I knew what it was but decided to act like i never saw it. I don't think me or Ash is ready to do that yet. I slipped it back into the wallet and closed it. I let braixen out of her pokeball and same for pancham. I chatted with them for a bit before i put the wet clothes in the dryer. Braixen wanted to know what I was doing peeking in Ash's wallet. I told them i found a picture of us and a pokeball condom. Braixen and Pancham seemed mad when I brought that up. I assured them that me and Ash will wait till the right time. They calmed down relatively quick. This all got me thinking. Do I want to do this with Ash soon or wait. Maybe I'll just talk to him about it this evening. Braixen said I should talk with Ash and see how he feels. Pancham, however, wants me to wait awhile. I sided with Braixen. Our clothes took no time to dry. I folded them and went back up to our room with our folded laundry and ash's pokedex and wallet. I set them down on the bed and decided I didn't want to dirty mine right away. I found an old dress of mine in my bag and decided to wear it and see what Ash thinks of it. Braixen helped me put the dress on and Pancham went back in his pokeball for a rest. Me and Braixen decided to go watch Ash train.

On out way to watch Ash, we encountered Clemont, who said he was preparing dinner. I asked him if Ash ever cooked and he shook his head.
"Ash made me breakfast in bed this morning. He made pancakes and bacon for me with the help of fennekin and pikachu."
"Wow, Ash did that? He must really care about you. Normally he offers to help cook but has no clue what he's doing." I blushed because Ash did all that just for me. I let Clemont get back to his dinner preparations and went to the battlefield outside.

Ash was using Hawlucha to train Froakie. Hawlucha came in at froakie and froakie used his frubbles to stop Hawlucha's attack. He ended up calling that they'd do this one more time before they stop for the day. Thats when Ash saw that I was out there. His jaw dropped after seeing me in my dress. "Wow Serena, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight!" He called out to me. A blushed and looked away for a moment. I walked over to him and stood by his side. "how's training going for froakie?"
"It's going well, we're perfecting his frubble attack." Just after he said that, Hawlucha launched another attack towards froakie. Ash commanded froakie to stop Hawlucha's attack with frubbles. He successfully did so. Bonnie cheered froakie on. "Alright, time to wrap things up for tonight. Good job both of you!" Ash said as he bent down and patted froakie's head. All of a sudden froakie had his evolution aura around him. Hawlucha came over to Ash's side to watch Froakie evolve. After the Aura went away I could hear Ash say "Yes! Froakie evolved into frogadier!" So this was Frogadier? Wow, impressive that such a tony froakie can evolve into this. Clemont came out and announced dinner was ready and saw frogadier and congratulated Ash. Ash recalled frogadier and Hawlucha as we walked inside. Ash pulled me back by my waist as Bonnie continued inside. "What's with the dress?" He asked.
"Oh, it's for you. I cleaned our cloth and didn't want to dirty mine so I put on a dress to look good for you."
"Wow Serena, you look stunning." He said as I gave him a hug. He held my hand as we walked into the dining room of the pokemon center.

After Clemont made us all an amazing dinner, me and Ash returned to our room. I decided to talk to him about what's on my mind. "Ash, can we talk for a minute?"
"Sure Serena what's up?" He said as we both sat on our bed.
"Well, While I was doing our laundry, I took your pokedex and wallet out of your pocket before i put your pants in. I saw that picture in your wallet. Do you really want to marry me?
"Yes, Serena I do. That's why you have your promise ring. That's for until we get married" I blushed. He wants to marry me!
"What about the condom I found in there as well?"
"I planned to use it whenever you and I decided that the time was right. I don't mind when we use it." So, he was saving it for me? Has he done it before?
"Have you ever done it before? Cause I've been waiting for you." He shook his head. Good. He hasn't been with any other girls!
"Alright. I hope you're alright with this but I want to wait until a special occasion like when I win my first princess key!"
"I think that'd be a great time to do it. Plus I'm fine with waiting for it."
"Alright Ashy. Movie time? Maybe we could invite Bonnie and Clemont!"
"Sure sounds good babe." I blushed again. He should call me babe more often. Pikachu was already scurrying out of the room to get bonnie and Clemont. Me and Ash agreed to put on a comedy that we all could watch. We waited for Pikachu to come back with Clemont and Bonnie.

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