Chapter 28

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I awoke to Ash's mumbling. He was still asleep. It was cute in all honesty. I checked my phone: 7:43 AM. Still too early to do much. I felt a coolness run across my body. I forgot...I slept in only my panties. I liked it. Not because Ash was holding me, he always does. I likes it because my body felt free for once. I cuddled back up with Ash and hid myself under the blankets. Ash's body heat is what really kept me warm. I dozes back off to sleep for what I thought would be a few hours.

I awoke and Ash was just waking up. J came out from under the blankets. "Oh, there you are, I thought I squished you." Ash teased me. I giggled, "No, you didn't."
"Good," he yawned, "So today's the day. Let's do it this evening. We can lie in bed all day if you like."
"Yes please, truth be told, I slept great because I was wearing only my panties. Im gonna do this more often."
"When it's just us in the room, feel free, Serena. It's what makes you comfortable and I've been doing it all my life." I nodded. I felt like I wanted this lazy day. "What about your gym battle?"
"Clemont and Bonnie aren't in Lumiose yet. We beat them. They should be here in a couple of days."
"Thanks to us and our idea to get on a train." I giggled as I kissed ash's chest. I wanted to rub my hands all over him but I resisted. It seemed he resisted as well from playing with my chest. I kinda wished he would. It's fun for both of us. I giggled at that thought. "What're you laughing about?"
"Nothing, just wishing you'd play with my puppies."
"I didn't think you wanted me to." I pressed my back against his chest.
"Please, Ash. Play with them." Then he squeezed them lightly. I let out a light moan from the sudden grab. He kept fondling them for a bit until he stopped. "You're great Serena, but I feel as though I got no sleep even though i did get plenty."
"Me too...odd. Let's go back to sleep!"
"Agreed" Ash said sleepily and almost annoyed.
"Ash Ketchum! You still have to give me a kiss before you go to sleep." I teased. He kissed my lips for a decent amount of time. It probably felt longer than it was because I was always so into our kisses. We finally unlocked our lips. "Do you feel any better?"
"Still Tired but yeah, I do."
"Okay Ashy, go to sleep." He nodded and closed his eyes. It wasn't long before his breathing got slower. He was asleep. I cuddled up next to him and wrapped what bit of the blanket I had around me. It was so soft and comfy! I too began feeling my consciousness drift away.

I woke up again but I wasn't in the bed. Where was I? I studied my surroundings and realized...I fell off the bed. Wow, I am clumsy even when I'm sleeping. Way to go, Serena. I got back up and saw the time: 12:22PM. We still have time to kill. Sunset isn't till 8-ish tonight. I went to my wardrobe and saw my multiple outfits. I decided to pick a dress for tonight. A proper dress not one that only goes to my knees. Then I saw it. My purple dress with hints of light blue all over it! My favorite! Yes, I'm wearing this for my vows! I set it aside so I could get it when I was ready and sat next to Ash. He looked different...I don't know how. Something was off about him now. I decided to press my hands against his forehead. He was burning up. He must be sick! But how would he get sick? Maybe it was too cold for him, that night we encountered Miette. That's the only explanation I could come up with. I quickly put a T-shirt on and released Braixen and Greninja. I told Greninja to go wake Pikachu and come back here. He went to where Pikachu was sleeping and woke up him up. They huddled around me as I explained that Ash has fallen ill. I asked everyone to help me out but I didn't really know what to do besides keep him in bed. Maybe cooling his face down! I asked Greninja for something to cool Ash down with. He started making small water pulses on Ash's face. "Keep doing that, im going to get nurse joy!" He said his usual agreement and I left to seek nurse Joy.

I explained the situation with Ash and nurse joy came with me to our room. She examined him and told me he needed a shot of medicine and he should be feeling better by tomorrow. I agreed, knowing Ash didn't like needles. She left and I returned braixen so the room wouldn't be crowded when Nurse Joy got back. She came back a couple minutes later and injected Ash with some sort of needle. She told me, "Keep an eye on him in case his state worsens." I nodded in understanding and she took off. I kept a cool rag on Ash at all times and made sure to keep him wrapped up in a blanket.

Finally nightfall came, and I was dead tired. I took a spare blanket and laid next to Ash. I wouldn't give him much warmth, especially since it looks like he was really cold as it was. I still cuddled up with him but with my own blanket. I quickly checked him over once more. His fever had diminished but he was still shivering. Greninja had seen and brought over another layer to add to us. I put it over both of us and started to get comfy. "Goodnight Ash. I love you, sweetie." I said to him. He made a small but noticeable smile in his sleep. It comforted me and I fell asleep thinking he'd be alright by morning.

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