Chapter 29

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I awoke early to find Ash still sleeping. I put my hand on his forehead. Still warm, but it's not as bad as it was yesterday. I'm gonna go get him some breakfast. I look at my phone, 7:37AM. Alright Breakfast it is. I went down to the cafeteria and ordered two plates of pancakes and bacon. I got us some orange juice and milk and headed back to our room I put my tray on the table and set Ash's next to him. I whispered in his ear, "Ashy, wake up. I got you breakfast." He groaned and turned towards me. He opened his eyes and tried to speak but just mouthed the words, "Thanks, Serena."
"Your throat is sore like mine when I was sick?" He nodded. Oh man...I might have to get nurse joy. I nodded sympathetically at him. "Well use your phone to tell me what you need to tell me. Well, besides saying 'Thanks' and 'I love you'. I love you too and you're welcome." He chuckled but then realized it caused him some pain so he stopped himself. He took the silverware I put on his tray and began eating. "I'll be in the kitchen eating. If you need anything, text me." I kissed his forehead and then went into the kitchen to eat my food. The pancakes were soft and fluffy, the way I like em, but the bacon was kinda tough and chewy. Since I didn't like the toughness, I only ate one strip of bacon. I ate all the pancakes however and devoured my juice. I must've worked up an appetite after caring for Ash all yesterday. I heard my phone vibrate and I looked at it and there was a message, from Ash, "When you're done, can you lie in bed with me? I want your comfort." I blushed and spoke up from the kitchen, "Yes, Ash, I'll be there in a minute." I yawned and set my tray on the counter and the dishes in the sink. I'll clean them later. I walked over to Ash and started undressing and got in bed next to him. I kept all three blankets on us, for his sake. He was shivering as I placed my body against his. He stopped after our bodies connected. He gets the comfort from me like I do him. I don't know if he'll be better today but I wrap my arms around him like he does to me. After a bit, I could tell his breathing labored, signaling he was asleep. I smiled at him. He doesn't even look sick when he's asleep. I slowly get out of bed and tell Pikachu to watch him. I put on some shorts and a robe. I headed down to go get nurse joy.

I found in the lobby, behind the main desk.
"Good morning, is he all better?" I shook my head, "He's still got a fever, a sore throat to where he can't speak, and he seems to be shivering quite a bit."
"It's worse than I first thought. We'll have to give him some medication throughout the day. Here," she fumbles through the desk, "here's something he can take. I'll be up in a while to bring him something stronger, so he can communicate with you and I." I take the medicine, nod, and head back up to our room.

I walk in to find Ash still asleep, good. I go into the kitchen and pour him a drink. I walk over to the bed and wake him with a kiss. He opens his eyes and i hand him the medicine then the drink. "Take it, it'll help you feel better until nurse joy brings something better." I tell him. He takes the medicine then downs the drink I poured him and gives me a look of disgust. "Tastes bad, doesn't it?" I asked. He gives me a nod and lays back down. "I'm gonna stay up or do you want me under those covers with you?" He extends his arms. "Okay,  I'll be there in a minute." He nods and retracts his arms. I take off the robe, but keep the shorts on. I then hop into bed with him. I cuddle him up and once again, his shivering stops. He starts to fall asleep. I decided to watch TV. I put on some soap opera, it was the only good thing on this early. I start dozing off from how boring and dramatic it is.

KNOCK KNOCK. I awoke and fell off the bed. I slip the robe on and Pikachu and I head for the door. I open it to find Nurse Joy. "Sorry, I-the only way to keep him comfortable is to lie in bed with him. I'm a mess." I say, still trying to wake myself up
"It's no trouble, I understand. There's lots of couples your age that lie with each other." She reassures me as she enters.
"Really? Ever heard of one where the girl feels comfortable wearing only underwear to bed."
"Yeah, I'm that way and I'm sure mist girls are. We always have to wear bras all day so it's comforting when it's off. Although most consider it a guilty pleasure." I nod as she inspects Ash.
"Okay, I may have to come back up every two hours but don't worry. If you're comfortable answering the door the way you sleep, it'll be fine."
"Thanks Nurse Joy. What can we do for right now?" I asked in a lighthearted tone.
"I gave him another shot for now. I think I have a good idea but I want to confirm my suspicion. You two were involved in an incident with officer jenny the other evening, right?"
"Yes, Do you want me to fill you in?"
"You don't have to if you don't want to." I explained what all happened these past few days with Miette. Nurse Joy gave me a look of worry, "This Miette, she knows you two are in this room?" I nod at her. Her expression drops. "What's wrong Nurse Joy?"
"It's worse than I ever thought. I knew that poke on his arm wasn't a scratch or something. She injected him with something. It's probably what caused him to be sick. Do you have your guard pokemon?"
"Yes, they're mainly his but I have one."
"Let them out and tell them to cover you. I need to go get officer Jenny!" She starts to exit the room but my phone rings. A text message, from Officer Jenny.

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