Chapter 13

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Alright, I've got a quick question before I get into this Chapter. I've been watching XYZ for awhile now and I just finished the episode where Serena dresses as Ash to battle the rocked out pikachu. How many more episodes are their until I'm caught up to current? I'm using the pokemon tv app. Anyway, That's out of the way so let's get into this!

"Mom?!?!" I yelled as Ash carried me into the pokemon center lobby.
"Serena? I heard you were ill so I came immediately. As for Ash, why is he carrying you?" I looked up at Ash and gave him a wink. Hopefully he knows I'm about to buy myself some time.
"Oh, I wasn't feeling like I could walk back here so Ash offered to carry me here!"
"Oh, I see. You're sure he's not your boyfriend or anything? It's alright to tell me, y'know." Before I could reply, Ash already spoke up, "Actually, Grace, we are a couple. Hopefully that is alright with you." Ash? He had the courage to do that before I could even think of telling my mother about it.
"Well, Ash, thats fine by me as long as you are taking care of Serena, which you are."
"Yes, I've been keeping an eye on her while we've been here. She insisted on getting out of bed today. She walked until she asked me if I could carry her."
"That's very gentlemanly of you, Ash. We should get her to your room. Leas the way Ash?"
"Yes ma'am." I could tell Ash wanted to make a good impression for our sake. We headed to our room and Ash set me down gently on the bed. He refrained from kissing me in front of my mother.
"I'm gonna go get Serena something to eat, would you like anything, Grace?"
"Ash, could you get me some french fries too?" I asked. I was having a craving. My mother just shook her head, "No, Ash I'm fine but thank you." Ash headed out and I was left with my mom.
"You were afraid to tell me, weren't you?" I nodded and looked down.
"It's okay, Serena. I was the same as you when I had to introduce my boyfriend to my parents. The only difference is that Ash is really sweet. I can see why you like him." I stared at my mom. "You really think Ash is sweet?" I sighed. "I was expecting you to go crazy on Ash" My mother laughed "I would if I hadn't seen him caring for you in here." Thank goodness Ash carried me in then! "Have you two had kisses or anything?"
"Yes, mom. Ash even gave me this necklace and ring!" I showed off my new jewels to my mom. She gave an odd look when I said "ring".
"He got you an engagement ring?"
"Oh, no! It's just a promise ring. Hopefully he'll give me an engagement ring though!" I could see that my mom was relieved to hear me say that.
"That's good. Ash is definitely someone who will take care of you and I would be glad to have him as my son-in-law." I blushed. My mom wants us to get married too! This is going better than I thought it would! "Thanks, mom. I love you."
"I love you too, sweetheart. Go ahead and give Ash a kiss when he gets back. I can tell you-" just then Ash walked in with a tray again. This time, soup and crackers, soda, but to my delight, a plate full of fries. I took it from him and gave him a kiss. "Thanks, Ashy!" I smiled at him. "No problem, Serena. Hey, where's Pikachu?" Uh oh...
"I don't know, he may be with bonnie and Clemont." Luckily for us, as Ash was heading out to look for Pikachu, he was sitting at the door. "Pikachu! I must've not held the door open long enough for him to get in." I breathed a sigh of relief as Pikachu came in and made himself comfortable. "I guess so. I thought I saw him as you walked in here."
"Me too actually." My mom pointed out. I started eating the soup and got some ketchup packets for my fries until...uh oh. Pikachu! "Ash, mind taking Pikachu to see Bonnie?" I glances at him then at the ketchup he got for me. "What? Oh, yeah, sure. Come on Pikachu, I'm sure bonnie has missed you." Ash quickly led Pikachu to Bonnie and Clemont's room. He cane back and said, "Sorry about that. I forgot."
"It's okay Ashy!" I smiled for him.
"What was that about?" My mom asked.
"Oh, Pikachu has a strange fascination with Ketchup. He once managed to drain an entire bottle at a restaurant." Ash replied nicely while scratching the back of his head. I continued eating the fries and soup. Finally, my mom and Ash made some conversation.
"So, Ash, aren't you trying to enter the Kalos league?"
"Yep, I'm heading back to Lumiose City next."
"What are you going to do after you beat the Kalos league?"
"I thought of staying in Kalos even if I lose. I've journeyed all the other regions. Plus, I plan on staying with Serena."
"That's good, Ash. Do your parents know about you two?"
"Not yet. My only parent is my mother. I never knew my father."
"Hopefully you'll do it soon. I'm just glad to know someone finally is taking good care of my Serena. You'll be good to her, right?"
"Yes ma'am!"
"That's what I like to hear. I presume you'll cheer for Serena at her showcase in Lumiose?"
"Wait...what?" I piped in.
"Yeah, you didn't hear?1 probably not if you've been in bed. They're holding a pokemon showcase at Lumiose City!"
"Serena, you'll enter, right?" Ash asked me. I put on a smile. "I hope so, it all depends on if I get healthy soon."
"I hope you enter!" Ash exclaimed. My mom nodded then gave a look of astonishment toward Ash.
"Ash, were you one to jump off prism tower for Pikachu after the garchomp incident?" He nervously nodded and said, "yep, that was me. And I'd do it again for anyone I care about, including Serena!"
"Ash, you're definitely the one Serena needs." I blushed. "Stop it mom! You're embarrassing me!" Ash sat next to me on the bed as I finished up my fries. "So, if I asked Serena to marry me, you'd be alright with it?" Ash asked as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Just as long as you wait a bit and do it when I'm around, alright Ash?"
"Yes ma'am!"
"Ash, you can just call me Grace. Although I like how you're presenting yourself."
"Yes, ma'a- I mean Grace!" He blushed with embarrassment. It was getting dark out and getting late. My mom asked, "is it alright if I stay with you two tonight?"
"Yes, mom. You can take the spare bed. Ash always holds me when I sleep now anyway."
"That's sweet of you, Ash." We were making Ash blush a ton tonight!
"I'm just gonna take a shower real quick. Grace? Serena might have some medication ready at the lobby desk. Would you mind getting it?"
"No, not at all, Ash. I'll be back in a moment." Then she left our room.
"Oh, Ashy?" Ash turned to me, his face was still red. "You're so cute when you're red. How about you take your shower and I'll let you wrap your arms around me as we sleep?"
"Sounds fine by me!" He yelled in a very excited tone. He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I just laid back in bed, trying to position my pillow comfortably. My mom then came back in and gave me some more medicine. I took it and swallowed it with a drink of my soda. Ash soon came out in his pajama bottoms and sat on our bed. My mom went into the bathroom to change as well. She came out in a nightgown. We said our goodnights and started to settle in for the night. I laid with Ash as usual and he kept his arms around me. I don't think I'll ever be comfortable again unless I'm in his arms. "Good night Serena. I love you." Ash said as he kissed my cheek. "I love you too." I said to him. I laid there for awhile before finally deciding it was another great day and falling fast asleep.

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