Chapter 27

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(Serena's PoV)

We finally made it back to the pokemon center. My arms were getting tired from carrying both the dresses I wore. We got into our room and I set the dresses in the closet. I decided to take a shower and wash all this glitter off. I hated seeing my arms sparkle with glitter. I hopped in and Ash came in too. "Want help showering again?" He asked.
"Sure Ash, you gonna get in?"
"Yeah just a sec."
I turned the water to a nice warm temperature. Ash then hopped in. "Hi sweetie!" I smiled and winked at him. I saw a blush on his face as he began to get wet. I handed him the soap to start washing my body down and asked, "So what's the next surprise, babe?" He started getting my back side and replied, "I'm cooking you dinner for your win. What would you like?" Jut as he said that, my mouth started watering for his steak and gravy. "How about you make the steak and gravy, I'll handle the sides like mashed potatoes and corn!"
"Great Idea!" He said as he turned me around and started washing my front side. I wasn't nervous about Ash washing my parts anymore because he had already seen them before. Ash definitely didn't mind but he also didn't make a big deal out of it. What a great boyfriend. I can't wait to do my until-marriage vows tomorrow! I don't know what I'll say to him. I started to think but Ash caught me by surprise when he started washing my legs. "Man, you have a lot of glitter on you."
"Tell me about it. I don't really like it." I said, slightly annoyed about the amount of glitter stuck to me. Ash was getting it all off though. He handed me the bar of soap and I washes his backside. My stomach growled and broke our silence. I giggled and said, "Guess I am starving!" He chuckled as he turned around. It felt great running my hands over his chest again. He had this nice masculinity to him. I adored it! I finally washed his legs and his crotch. We both washed our hair at the same time and Ash helped me get the suds out of mine after he finished with his hair. We got out and dried our bodies. I wrapped a towel around my waist. I didn't mind Ash seeing my breasts anymore. He would sometimes glare at them for a couple of moments in awe and it was rather cute. I put my panties on and my skirt and socks but I decided a nice change for tonight. I put on Ash's jacket and kept it open, still exposing my chest.  It was rather comfortable compared to my tank top and bra combination. We walked out of the bathroom after Ash changed and found Pikachu sleeping on the bed. I went into the kitchen with Ash and he he grabbed two big steaks out of the freezer and another jar of gravy from a cabinet. I got a box of mashed potatoes and a can of corn and started to warm them up. After I did that, which didn't take long at all, I decided to make Ash and I some dessert. I wondered whether it should be macaroons or cookies. Cookies would be easier plus I found out I didn't have what all I needed for macaroons! So cookies it is.

I began making the mixture and stirring it up with a whisk. I felt kinda like Ash's wife in the kitchen. I giggled at the thought. I finally got the mix just the way I wanted. I put a tray on the counter and put a cookie sheet on it. I took the mix and put some mix for each individual cookie and then put it in the oven. Ash was working on the steaks on the oven top. I took the dishes i used and cleaned them in the sink. I got done and put them back where I found them. I guess I may as well make the table! I took two plates, two forks, knifes, and spoons and set them on the table. I then put two glasses on the table and filled them with our favorite sodas and ice. Everything was ready so I talked with Ash. "How are they coming along?" I asked sweetly.
"They're almost done. The gravy is ready so I just gotta drizzle it over the steaks and put it on the potatoes if you like that." I nodded, "yes please, Ash! So what about our vows tomorrow?"
"I thought it would be nice to go into the forest and release our pokemon and do it in front of them." Wow...that's actually pretty good.
"That sounds so romantic Ash! I can't wait."
"So, earlier at the showcase, you said your mother was there?"
"She said she would be there but I didn't see her. She must've been busy at home." I remembered that I hadn't seen her at all. It started making me feel glum. "You alright, Serena?"
"Yeah, just disappointed I didn't see my mom there"
"I'm sorry. Is your father in Kalos? I remember him from when we were kids." Oh, Ash, you had to bring that up.
"He's the reason I left you and Kanto. He had an affair while my mom was with him and she found out and divorced him. We moved here to Kalos." I looked down, kinda sad about my father. Ash pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry I brought it up Serena. You shouldn't have had to go through that."
"Thanks, Ash. I kinda miss him but last I heard, he had made that woman he had an affair with pregnant. It made me mad and I still haven't talked to him since."
"I'm sorry. On the bright side, We reunited after all these years." That made me smile. "I'm glad you finally decided to travel here to Kalos, Ash!"
"Me too, Serena, me too. Oh, steaks are done!" My stomach growled again. Ash rubbed my belly. "I guess you're ready, right?" I nodded. Ash put steaks on our plates and I put corn and mashed potatoes next to our steaks. Ash then got the gravy and drizzled our steaks with it then put some on our potatoes. I heard the oven ding and I went over and said, "Our dessert is ready as well. We should let them cool off first." I said as I took the cookies out of the oven. I sat down at the table with Ash and glared at our plates. "This looks delicious, Ash!"
"All i did was the steaks, you did everything else!" We both started eating our food.

We finished eating and there was minimal food left over except a few extra cookies. We both sat down on the bed, full from our meals. "Movie time?" I asked Ash who was moving Pikachu to another area. He nodded at me as I turned on the TV and flipped it to a comedy movie. We both sat there and watched it. We occasionally laughed at the humor. Not the funniest movie I've seen, but still pretty good. We ended up lying down on the bed and I took off my skirt and Ash's jacket. I was really comfortable. Ash took off his pants and tank top and wrapped his arms around me. I turned off the TV and we laid there for a bit. "Congratulations on your win today, Serena." Ash spoke up.
"Thanks, babe. Thanks for dinner. It was great!" I could see him nodding even though it was very dark in the room. We were both tired so we closed our eyes and drifted to sleep.

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