Chapter 34

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"So what made you want to do a pokevision video with me?" I asked as we headed to some restaurant. Ash wouldn't tell me where this restaurant was or what food they had.
"My main goal in it? To make sure guys don't chase you around. I figured you'd want to promote yourself as well." He sounded serious but also he sounded like he was joking. "Wait, really?"
"Yes really. I don't want guys chasing you! You're my girl, not theirs."
"Oh, Ash. I'll always be your girl. You always know what to say." He shrugged, "I guess I do."
"So, where's this restaurant and what type is it?"
"We're almost there. I'm not saying anything else. I just hope you'll like it!" He said excitedly, that can only mean one thing.
"We're going to a buffet, aren't we?"
"Actually no, I kinda wish they had that option though." We kept walking until we reached our destination. El diablo? What kind of restaurant is this? "Ash, what is this place?"
"Urm...I don't exactly know. Someone recommended it."
"Can we go in? I'm starved." I asked right as my stomach growled. Ash chuckled and grabbed hold of my hand as we walked in.'s one of the restaurants where you have to wait be seated. Oh well. Hopefully it's good. These restaurants always have good food but the staff are soo slow. Ash went up and told the waiter it was just us. He led us to a small booth and gave us our menus as we sat down. Ash quickly glanced over the menu. I took a thorough look. So this is kinda like a Mexican restaurant? Ok. I'm not sure what I want. Ash put down his menu. "How could you possibly decide what you wanted that fast?"
"Serena, it took one word: endless."
"And what followed 'endless'?"
"That doesn't sound too bad actually. I might get the same." Right as I said that, I realized I wouldn't be getting the same. The menu showed these huge looking burritos but they looked so good that my mouth began to water. A waitress came and said, "I'll be your waitress for tonight. My name is Kate. Are you ready to order or shall I just get drinks?"
"Serena, you ready to order?" Ash asked me.
"Sure, I'll have the bean burrito. Do you have any sauce for these?"
"Yes, we have: mild, hot, fire, volcano and lastly, el diablo."
"Hmm, I'll take el diablo."
"Are you sure about that? It is pretty hot."
"Oh believe me, I love spicy things."
"Alright," she began writing my order down, "and for you?" She looked to Ash who replied, "I'll take the endless taco meal with a cola. If Serena didn't already say that, she wants a cola as well." Oh, I guess i did forget to order my drink. The waitress wrote down Ash's order and left us alone for a couple of minutes. She then came back with our drinks. I sipped on mine for a brief moment and Ash just sat there. He was quiet. This was bizarre. "Why are you so quiet, sweetie?"
"Just thinking."
"What you told me earlier. It's been bothering me. It's like I'm mad at myself for having no way to have done anything."
"Ash. Never think for a second that it was your fault. It wasn't. It wasn't even mine. It was theirs, they had some reason for harassing me but I don't know what it was. Don't blame yourself!"
"You're right. I'm sorry. If we see one of them again, let me know so I can protect you."
"You already met one of them..."
"Miette. She's no different now than she was when she was younger. Actually, she's worse. She tried killing us!"
"Wow. I'm kinda glad I did what I did now." Hearing him say that was weird but it made me happy. At least he didn't say he wished he'd done worse to her. That would've worried me. I nodded at him and we sat there in an awkward silence. "So Ashy, how many tacos you gonna eat?" He chuckled, "I don't know, how many drinks are you gonna need with that el diablo sauce?"
Touché ash...I giggled at his remark. "I guess we'll both be having a lot then." I replied. Just then the waitress came back with a lot of drinks, "you'll need this for your burrito with the el diablo sauce."
"Thanks." I replied, giving Ash a nervous look. She left and came back with our food. One huge burrito for me and a line of tacos for Ash. Oh, could I forget the giant bottle of sauce that was put on the table that had the label that read, "El Diablo". I decided to lightly drizzle the sauce in a zigzag pattern on my burrito. Ash just kept staring at me. "What are you staring at?"
"You. I wanna see your face when you figure out how hot that is." I nodded at him and took a bite from my burrito. It tasted fine for a second then all I could feel was the sauce. Let me say, it was hot to say the least.

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