Chapter 5

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I awoke in the middle of the night to be held by Ash very tightly. He seemed to be in some agony. Was he having a nightmare? I decided to turn and give him a kiss on the cheeks and he woke up and asked, "Serena?"
"Yes, Ashy? Were you having a nightmare?"
"Terrible one," he looked around to make sure we were still in the tent.
"I had a dream that team rocket took you and Pikachu away from me" What? He was scared about losing me?
"Oh, Ash," I said trying to comfort him, "you'll never lose me and if you did, I know you'd save me." He gripped my waist. I could tell he was blushing even with no lights shining in. I kissed him again and said "Let's go back to sleep Ashy." He agreed and soon I could feel myself dozing off in his arms.

"Serena?!" I awoke to Ash yelling.
"Yes, Ash?" He seemed worried so I thought he had another nightmare.
"Pikachu is gone!" He yelled with worry. I quickly got up and made ash put his tank on. I noticed Fennekin's pokeball was opened and she was nowhere to be found.
"Ash! Fenniken is gone too!" I said very worried.
"Hmm, no one entered our tent so maybe Pikachu let Fenniken out. Where would they be?" I tried thinking for a minute. Then I remembered that promise I had made to Pikachu.
"The beach! I had promised Pikachu you and I would go to the beach with him and Fenniken." Ash looked relieved to at least know where to start looking.
"Let's go then, Serena!" He said moving towards the tent exit. I got up and kissed his lips again. "We'll find them, I promise." I gave him a wink. We left the tent and I guided Ash towards the beach.

We got to the beach after a long run. Ash is still trying to get me to keep up but he knows I'm winded. He walks with me the rest of the way. We are greeted to a surprise from Pikachu and Fenniken. They ran to us and Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder. Ash and I told our pokemon that we were worried and never to take off again. They seemed sorry by their expressions. I felt bad for scolding them. I hugged Ash. He calmed me by saying, "at least they're alright." I nodded and apologized to Fennekin for scolding her. "Hey Serena? Why don't we bring the tent and gear down here on the beach? Pikachu and Fennekin could have their beach day!" I agreed with Ash and all four of us went running back to the park.

When we were almost back to the park, I tripped again and Ash saw it. Im so clumsy. He asked if i was alright, i tried standing up but the pain was too much in my foot. Ash commanded Pikachu off of him and he jumped up and nuzzled my face to see if i was alright. Ash then picked me up bridal-style and held me as we walked back to the park.

When we arrived, Ash set me down in a wagon that he said he bought to carry the tent and everything. That explains a lot now! I laid back in the wagon while Ash pulled down the down the tent and I asked, " where's bonnie and Clemont?"
"Oh, Bonnie said Clemont wanted to go to the museum so she tagged along." He said after finally managing to get the tent in the bag. He sat on the bag and let out a sigh. He got up and said, "let's see that foot of yours" I put my keg up in the air for him and he looked and said "Looks like you sprained it. You'll need to stay off it tonight."
"Does that mean you'll carry me then?" I said with a smirk hoping he would.
"Well you can ride in the wagon and once i set everything on the beach, sure" he said with a smile while still holding my leg. His eyes glance to the side of my foot and I realized I was wearing my skirt. Ash looked up at me and My face was feeling warm again. He apologized for glancing up my skirt and I smirked and said "Did you like what you saw?" I knew he didn't see much but he got all nervous and turned red and finally said yes. I nodded at him and he went to pack our clothes up and putting everything in the wagon with me. He finally called in Pikachu and Fennekin and told them it was time to head to the beach. He arranged the things to make it so I wouldn't be uncomfortable. He's so sweet. Pikachu and Fennekin walked by his side. He pulled the wagon with me in it very easily. He has to be strong! He kept pulling me all the way to the beach.

When we got there, we realized the only way down was to take the stairs. "Pikachu! Stay here with the gear while I carry Serena down." Pikachu agreed to stay and soon i felt ash'a arms under my back and legs. I buried my face in his chest because I didn't want to watch him taking he down the stairs. He comforted me by saying, "It's alright Serena baby. I've got you. I'm not gonna let you go." He called me baby! I nuzzled my face into ash's chest again as he made it down the stairs and set me on the sand. He came down a moment later with the wagon and the gear. Pikachu was right beside him. He emptied the wagon and put a blanket in it then picked me up and set me in it. He started putting the tent up because the sun was starting to set. I wanted to watch the sunset with him! Luckily for me, he put it up quicker than taking it down. I called to him, "Ash, come watch the sunset with me!" He came out and noticed it was getting dark.
"Wow, I thought we had some daylight left." He said as he sat down near the wagon.
"Ash, can i sit next to you?" I begged to him. He stood up and took me out of the wagon and set me on the sand and he sat next to me. I nuzzled up to him and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you Ash. For everything lately. I love you."
"You're welcome Serena. I love you too." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and we watched the sun set.

He finally carried me inside the tent and set me down on my side after we watched the sun set and talked for a bit. He got changed and i decided to stay in what I'm wearing because it hurt too much to get up and change. Ash laid besides me and wrapped his arm around me. Oh, how I love his warmth! We said our goodnights and fell asleep together. One more great day!

"Serena! No!" Ash yelled as I was being taken closer to the team rocket balloon. He ordered froakie to used cut on the balloon and soon i was falling. It seemed forever and I could hear Ash yelling my name in terror. I finally had a soft landing. Frubbles? Oh, right! Froakie can do that! I got up and ran to Ash and jumped into his arms. He hugged me before telling Pikachu to used thunderbolt on team rocket. We heard them yell in the distance. I was sobbing in ash's chest. He held me tighter than ever before.

I woke up to ash trying to calm me down. I cried on him for a minute before realizing that it was just a nightmare. I hugged ash tight and he comforted me. I was scared to stay out here now.
"Ash, can we please go back to the pokemon center? I'm scared!" Ash hugged me and carried me out into the wagon as he let Fennekin out to give him some light. He packed up and carried me up the stairs. I was shaking. He left me with Pikachu while him and Fennekin went to retrieve the wagon. When they got to us, Ash put me in the wagon and Fennekin lit the way. Pikachu snuggled on my lap to comfort me.

We finally arrived at our room. Ash set the wagon in the corner and told Pikachu he could sleep in it. He picked me up and placed me on the bed.
"Ash? Can you help me change into my gown?"
"Sure Serena. Give me a minute. I need to use the restroom real quick." I nodded at him and he went into the bathroom and closed the door. I noticed Pikachu communicating with Fennekin before she curled into a ball and closed her eyes. Pikachu jumped into the wagon and snuggled himself into the wagon. Ash came out a moment later and helped me up. He helped me take off my skirt and shoes. I decided to leave my knee high socks on since they are so comfy.
"Ash, could you help me take off my top and my bra and get my gown on?" I was nervous because he was about to see me topless. He agreed and helped me take my top off. He got behind me and asked how to take my bra off. "You pull the straps together until they come unlocked. Then try to separate the straps." Ash gave it a try and surprisingly he managed to do it on his first try. I turned around and faced him. He glanced down at my chest for a minute and i blushed. He handed me my bra and i handed him my gown to help me get on. I then put my bra in my bag. He then helped me out on my nightgown and complimented me "you look beautiful, Serena!" I blushed as he helped me back into bed. He said we'll go talk to nurse joy tomorrow of my foot still hurts. He got in bed too and held me close again. I stopped being nervous when I felt his familiar hands hold my body close to him. We said we loved each other and then i closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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