Chapter 19

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I awoke to Ash kneeling beside me. He stared at me. "Something wrong?" I whispered. He shook his head, "thought I heard some kind of vibration." I took out my device, "It was probably this, Ashy." We both managed to keep our voices down. I checked my messages. A new one from officer Jenny, "All clear. If you want to know anything. Come down to the police station." Ash read it over my shoulder and we both breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't know about you, but I want to find out what happened." I nodded back at Ash, "let's go then but we're keeping Greninja and Braixen out in case something happens." He Nodded and pulled me in and kissed my forehead. He exited the bathroom and took away our barricade. The room soon looked close to what it had looked like before. A mess, yeah, but we'd fix it. We both got changed and went down to the station to figure out what we just endured.

We managed to make it to the police station with Greninja, Pikachu, and Braixen. We didn't return them yet. We felt safer by their presence. We walked in. Officer Jenny greeted us and asked what we needed. "We came to talk about the pokemon center incident." Officer Jenny lead us to a back room, probably an interrogation room. She sat us down and asked what we knew. We told her I saw the TV story and Ash barricaded our room. We hid in the bathroom with braixen, Greninja, and Pikachu. We recapped the messages I got from officer jenny. She looked at us as if we were gonna confess something. "So, what can you tell us about what happened?" Ash broke the silence.
"We do know that an armed female walked in, taking hostages, demanding to see another person, probably a boy. She said his name was Ash." Ash and I made eye contact then back to officer Jenny. "I'm Ash." Ash said. "Do you have any idea of who may have wanted to get to you so desperately?"
"Miette..." I said quietly. Ash relayed the whole story of what happened with Miette. Officer Jenny asked us to describe her and Ash obliged. "Is there something wrong, miss?" Officer Jenny chimed in.
"She's still shaken up about everything. Miette really made her upset originally." Officer Jenny nodded sympathetically. She asked us to sign our statements and we did. We also signed a confidentiality agreement. We didn't want Miette coming after us. Officer Jenny told us we were free to go shortly after. On our way out, we decided to get supper. "What would you like, Serena?"
"I know what I want but I'm not sure you'll get it for me."
"What is it?"
"I'm craving your spaghetti and meatballs again babe!" I made him blush. He agreed to make me dinner but we had to go grocery shopping really quickly. We headed off towards the nearest store with Braixen and Greninja still by our sides. Pikachu was on my shoulders comforting me.

We arrived at a nearby store and I thought it would be quick but nope. Aah had to get a ton of spices, meat, and all sorts of things. I thought he just needed a box of spaghetti, a frozen bag of meatballs, and maybe some sauce. He was genuinely cooking. This made me appreciate his meals a whole lot more. Finally, Ash said, "Alright, I just have to grab the sauce then we can get going." He said as he pushed a cart with several items in it. There wasn't a lot of stuff but still...more items than I expected. We headed to the sauce aisle and Ash debated on what type of sauce to get. "Thick or thin?" He asked me. I decided to tease him, "are you talking about sauce or your taste in women?" He blushed and stammered trying to make a rebuttal, "Ashy! I'm just playing with you!" He calmed down after realizing I wasn't serious. I finally answered his question, "Just get one of each." I really wanted to get out of here! He nodded and grabbed a jar if thin sauce and thick sauce. We headed for the checkout. Since we had fewer items, we went to a self-checkout. Ash started scanning the items and said, "It'll be quicker if you help me here. You can bag, ok?"
"Yes, Ash" i said as i bagged a few items in one bag. Then the rest in another. One bag seemed heavier so i double bagged just for caution. Ash and I walked out with Braixen and greninja being guards. They looked intimidating enough although I knew Braixen wasn't capable of what Greninja was. Ash broke our silence with a remark that made me giggle, "I like saucy girls, like you, Serena." I blushed. "Ash Ketchum!" I exclaimed. He chuckled and continued walking. Since he had bags in both hands, i just wrapped my arm around his. I got lost in thought about what Officer Jenny told us. I became scared of running into Miette again. She was just a rival but after what she just did, she's physco! I didn't want to Alarm Ash or the pokemon so I stayed calm. I was nervous about the next time I encounter Miette. She probably could seriously hurt me or even kill me, to get to Ash. I shook it out of my mind, not wanting to scare myself. After being lost in thought, I didn't realize we were already in the pokemon center lobby. I brought Ash back to our room and as I entered and was about to close the door, I was pinned against the wall. Miette. She held a knife up to my throat. Her wicked smile said a lot, specifically, "I want Ash and I will get him." I gulped, thinking this was my last moment alive. I heard our room door opened and appeared Ash. Thank Arceus! He calmly said, "Miette? What are you doing here?" He tried acting like his dense self and Miette bought it. "Oh, just talking to Serena."
"Okay, well it's time for supper Serena. Are you coming in?" I nodded and I heard Miette speak up, "Aren't you going to invite me, Ash?" Ash shook his head, "Sorry, I only made enough for the two of us. But we'll see you around Miette!" He exclaimed acting all dense again. He quickly pulled me in as she nodded. He locked the door behind me. "Are you alright? Did she hurt you?" I shook my head, "what took you so long?"
"I thought you came in behind me. When I saw you weren't here I was going to run out looking for you but I heard the thud on this side of the wall." He came up and hugged me. "I'm so sorry." I nodded and whispered, "You're my hero, Ashy." He pulled away and went to start dinner. I sat on the bed and watched the TV for awhile. I could start to smell Ash's cooking after awhile. I heard my stomach growling. I'm starved. "Ash that smells good. When's it going to be ready?"
"Oh, I already ate it all. Sorry Serena!" I got mad, "what?!" I said as i walked in and saw Ash preparing the table for us. "I'm just kidding, Serena!" He blushed. He must've thought I was gonna hit him or something. He pulled out a chair for me. I sat down and began eating. Ash was cleaning. He wasn't eating? "Dear? You gonna eat?" He shook his head, "I'm not hungry tonight, baby." He worried me with the way he said "baby". Hmm..."Ash! If you don't eat with me, then you won't have me to hold tonight." I realized I sounded harsh, "I'm sorry. It's just you're making me worry, you never pass a meal. Please eat." I begged. He sat down across the table and looked at me with tears in his eyes. He had been crying while cleaning. "Im sorry," he wiped away his tears, "I just feel bad for not realizing you weren't here and you were being pinned by that..." His face turned to rage. I knew he was about to do something irrational that would scare me. I got up and wrapped my arms around him. "Ashy, calm down. Nothing bad happened. I'm not hurt. You can check if you want to see for yourself." He spun me around and held up my top. He spun me around again to check my front side. "You're bruised all over but thankfully thats all." He went and laid on the bed, wearing nothing but boxers. I felt left out. Ash was so protective of me that he started acting this way. Maybe some comfort and a good nights rest will fix him right up. I finished dinner and laid with him. He fell asleep really fast. I held him and whispered somethings to comfort him. I finally found some peace and comfort and fell asleep.

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