Chapter 18

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I awoke way before Ash. I got little sleep. That same dream of Ash running off to Miette kept happening but every time I woke up, Ash was asleep and I didn't want to disturb him. I finally decided to grab the TV remote and watch something while I was still being held by Ash. I turned it on but nothing was on except the news. Breaking news appeared on the TV. "Hostage situation taking place at local pokemon center" wait...was that ours? Oh is! "Ash! Get up now!" I whispered. Pikachu saw what I did and gave ash some electricity ti wake him. I shushed Ash and pointed at the muted TV he quickly got up and hurried to lock our door. We both decided to barricade it and hide in the bathroom. We pushed a desk in front of the door along with some chairs and out nightstand. We hurried into the bathroom after shutting off all the lights in our room. Ash brought our blankets and we huddled together in the shower. I let out braixen to keep guard and stay quiet. Ash held me as I was shaking. "Go back to sleep, Serena. It'll be over before you know it." He said in a very calm and quiet voice. "But what if something happens?" I said, scared but keeping my voice down.
"I'll protect you. Pikachu and Braixen will too." He sounded so sure and it calmed me down. I tried making myself comfortable and laid my head in Ash's lap. I closed my eyes and started to drift off. Then, BANG! Someone was trying to get in! I wanted to scream and Ash saw I was about to. He put his hand over my mouth and shushed me. He kissed my forehead and mouthed "I love you" I nodded back at him with his hand over my mouth. Ash quickly and quietly got up and dimmed the bathroom light and whispered to braixen. She nodded and stayed by the door. Ash huddled back down next to me and we stayed quiet. It was so dark...I fell asleep on Ash.

I awoke back in the bathroom with Ash still near me. My eyes adjusted to the minimal light and I saw braixen at Pikachu keeping guard at the door. Ash was asleep. I waved for Pikachu to cone here. He saw and came. I whispered some questions to him. "Have you heard anything?" He shook his head.
"Do you know if anything's happened?" Shook his head again.
"Can you grab my digital map? I may be able to contact someone" he nodded and went out into the room and quickly scurried back with the device. I turned it on and saw some important messages. One was an officer Jenny. It must've been one of this town. "The message read "reply if you are safe in the center. Will update on situation when possible." It included a picture of officer jenny with the police force outside in the dark. They must've taken that to show it was them! I quickly replied "Safe" I just sat back with Ash who was asleep. I cuddled up with him and hoped we'd soon be okay.

I woke up to a vibration from me device. I checked the the time "11:55 pm" it's really late already! There was a message from officer jenny, "are you hurt?" I replied, "no" and was about yo cuddle back up with Ash when it vibrated again. Another message, "Do you need any medical attention?"
"No" this must be getting very serious. We've been trapped here all day! Another message popped up, "we are trying our best to resolve this situation. Stay safe!" I replied with a quick "Ok" and got back to Ash. Still asleep? "Pikachu?" I whispered to him, "has Ash been awake since i fell asleep?" He nodded. Well that explains it. "Ok. Thanks." I was hoping things would clear down by now but apparently not. I decided to message the officer jenny. "Do you know what is going on?" A couple of minutes passed before a reply came. "Armed suspects looking for some certain individuals. Do not come out if shelter until you get an all clear from this contact."
"Okay. Please update if possible." I quickly explained the situation to Pikachu and Braixen. I knew one of them was tired so I ordered them to keep watch while one sleeps. I took Ash's pokeball for Greninja and explained the situation and asked him to keep an eye on things. I got a nod and a bow from him. I asked braixen to get our sleeping bags since i was starting to cramp lying in the shower. Braixen brought them both back and I laid in mine and decides not to disturb Ash. I fell back to sleep once again, knowing there wasn't much I could do.

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