Chapter 42

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Upon arrival at the carnival, I realized that is wasn't exactly a carnival, more like an amusement park. It was huge! I probably had to be at least a few square miles. We went to the front gates and bought out tickets. Ash bought mine for me in exchange for a sweet passionate kiss. At least, we didn't have to pay for our Pokémon's admission. We had let out our "Guardian Trio" before we had even arrived to the amusement park. We went in and were greeted by a man who wanted to take our picture. He explained that we could view it after a bit at a booth and if we wanted to, we could buy different packages. We took our picture together, then one of just me and Ash. We posed for it and we kissed at the camera man took our photo. I was definitely buying that one at the least. We looked at a map and decided to head off to the kiddie land for Bonnie. We found pamphlets that contained miniature versions of the big map we took a look at. We decided on a rendezvous point in case we got lost. Of course, Ash and I had phones but no one else did. We all headed off in the direction of the kiddie area of the park. It was meant so that adults could take their younger kids to the rides so we could all ride, including Bonnie. As we approached the first ride, I heard my phone go off. I pulled Ash close as we viewed the message, "Better buy that picture of you two kissing. That'll be the last memory of you two together." We both got worried, whoever was following us was in the park with us. We took a look around us and saw no one that we recognized right away. We ended up regrouping with the others, thinking nothing of it yet. There was no need to panic. We had our guardian trio just in case. We got in line for the first ride that Bonnie wanted to get on. Apparently, it was one of those rides where it moves you and you have to try to shoot all the targets with a fake gun or something. The line itself wasn't that long, but Bonnie was getting restless. We got into groups for the ride. Each car could hold up to three people maximum. That meant that Ash and I were together and Bonnie, Clemont, and Misty was a group. We were all alright with it. We got into our cars quickly since the boarding area was constantly moving. I sat down with Ash and we both got our blasters ready. The targets were supposed to ghost-type Pokémon like ghastly and others. It was nothing really scary, more of a fun ride to get the best score of the car members. Ash occasionally playfully made sure I didn't hit some targets so that he could win. "Ash, we both know Bonnie is gonna beat the both of us!" He shrugged, "Maybe if we're losing focus talking about her beating us! Now come on!" He teased. I started getting focused but right as I did, the ride was coming to a close. We were arriving at the docking station. We got out and waited for Clemont's group. They got off shortly after us and of course Bonnie asked us our scores. I got 876 and Ash got 1250. Apparently Bonnie and them didn't do as well because they all looked shocked that we got such high scores. We laughed it off and headed back outside to the next attraction. It was some ride that gave you a high view of kiddie-land. The cars were designed to be helicopters. As we made our way over, I got another message. I pulled Ash over as we read the message, "What was your score?" So, they knew we got on that ride that had a score counter. I had an idea to figure out who was tailing us but I didn't want to enact it yet. I decided to wait until we were done here at kiddie land because I knew eventually, we would all split up because we all had different riding interests. I was gonna wait to tell Ash and possibly Misty if she came with Ash and I. We got on the helicopter ride and it was amazing to take a look at kiddie land like this. It looked really cool! Although, I wasn't paying attention to that. I was looking for this mystery person. I hated the fact that someone knew what we were always doing but I didn't know where or who they were. It was starting to make me nervous. Just to add to my nervousness and anxiety, another text. "Can you see me from up there?" I sat back. I didn't want to look and give them the idea that I was purposely looking for whoever it was that was stalking us. I tried to relax but before I knew it, the ride was over. We all exited and headed for the next attraction which was some sort of mild rollercoaster. We got in line and found out it was only for smaller kids, like Bonnie. we stood near the exit point and watched Bonnie ride the small coaster. She would let out loud screams of pleasure every time there was a little hill. We watched as the coaster took another lap around the small circuit. As it ended, we went to go retrieve Bonnie, but I got another text message. I decided to look at it without Ash to avoid raising whoever's suspicion. The message read, "Don't you wish you could get on that ride? I bet you're too much of a pussy to get on a real ride with Ash." I angrily stuffed my phone back into my pocket and rejoined my group. There was only a few more rides in kiddie land that interested Bonnie. They were all rides that none of us could get on so we decided to break up and go to different sections of the park. We decided to meet at our rendezvous point at sunset to leave the park. Time to put my plan into effect! I'm not letting this mystery person harass me anymore. I sent a text to the mystery person that said, "Do you want Ash? Well, you can have him! I'll leave him alone long enough for you to talk to him. Have fun." Of course, Ash already knew of my plan. I was going to act like I was going off with Misty and Ash would be left alone. Misty and I would walk for a bit before hiding and eavesdropping on Ash and mystery person. Ash, Misty and I agreed it was a great plan but we decided to not let Bonnie or Clemont in on it because they might ruin it for us. We told Ash where we would hide. there were some benches and some bushes for Misty and I to hide in. Misty and I went off in our own direction and Ash went to the eavesdrop site. I was ready to take down whoever this was!

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