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To Miss Pauline Joice Matiag, thank you for letting me use your name. I am very happy to know you and be one of your friends.

To dear readers, thank you for supporting me. Thank you for letting Clyde enter your life. I hope he made you crazy as much as he do with one of us.

To God, thank you for the talent that you gave to me. Thank you for letting me inspire other people.

To my friends, thank you for supporting me all through out.

And Lastly, to you. For waiting. I love your patience.

02-19-2016, the date when I started writing this story. There is no ultimate background nor backbone on how would I get it to epilogue part.

Originally, the story will end by Clyde will know Paula's true identity and he will shot her to death by aiming her critical points of the body. It would be a tragic ending but with the readers out there encourage me not to end it with tears so I made it into their wedding. I hope it is okay...


Billionaire's Only Rule (One Lie one Shot)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon