Chapter 1- Turning

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A/N This chapter is very short, because I want to introduce things. You will find the chapters get longer as I progress through the story, so please continue reading until chapter 3, because chapter 1 & 2 are quite short.


"Hello, Miss Swan." He murmured sweetly as she looked over her bared shoulder merely to gaze upon the gorgeous man she knew as Stefan Salvatore. Then he continued to speak in a mild tone.

"Why very well thank you, how are you Mr. Salvatore?" I smiled at the smart gentleman as he took my hand and we began to dance.

"You know how I am, after all it is 1962," he smiled back as we glided across the dance floor, my 1930 style dress swinging around my hips, allowing me to show off it's style and grace.

"Now you're just showing off" another voice approached the dance floor, a familiar one that was one I happened to adore.

"You're not welcome here brother, you weren't invited." Stefan reluctantly released my hand, allowing me to bow to Damon.

"Good evening Lucia." Damon said as he leant forward and gently pecked my hand; "You can't hog her all to yourself, it is the 1960's after all." Damon said harshly to his brother.

"Now gentlemen, you don't need to argue over her, after all I'm here as well." My best friend- better known as Georgia- walked over, her gorgeous blonde, hip length hair bouncing as she continued to walk towards us. "My my Stefan, aren't we looking beautiful as always" she winked at me and then leant in and slowly started to kiss Stefan. This was awkward.

"Well Luce, what do you say we have an early night?" Damon suggested, his arm bracing mine.

"I say what a wonderful idea Damon; Stefan, I shall see you in the morning." I said my goodbyes to Stefan and Georgia, allowing Damon to escort me out of the graduation party.

"Those parties are always a bore." Damon said whilst he walked me home.

"Why Mr. Salvatore, are British parties not to your liking?" I asked, putting on a cheeky grin.

"Of course, the delicacies are... Inviting" Damon said licking his lips. I turned around to see he had stopped walking. He looked me in the eye and ran his fingers down my brunette hair, continuing to run down my back until he reached my bum, then squeezed it. "Oh I do enjoy your company Miss." Damon spoke softly, and began kissing my neck.

"Damon stop, I-" as I pushed him off I saw something different about him; his eyes. Instead of being perfect darkness with no imperfections, the area around his eyes were all bloodshot, and he bore... fangs. "Damon what's going on?" I said as I tried to break free.

"Let go!" I shouted, wriggling harder and harder, until his teeth sunk into my neck and he began to drink from me vigorously, without intent to stop. "Damon stop!" I yelled again. I tore himself from my neck, causing me to stumble and fall over.

"I- I'm sorry Luce, I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought you would have liked it." His eyes went back to their regular beautiful state, as well as his glistening teeth and smirking lips. "What the hell are you?" I said with fear, grasping my neck.

"I'm a vampire. And you will be too." He bit his wrist, and forced me to drink his blood, as I began swallowing I started to feel queasy. Then, he let go and braced my head against his chest. "Sorry about this" he said, and then he broke my neck.


The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now