Chapter 20- Murder Of One

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To eclipseprincess (and any other fans that read my comments): My earlier comment about you hating me for this update... I decided to change it! SO you'll begin to think... "WHAT?? O.o" Then you'll think "Phew... *sighs*" lol

As the sun began to set in the sunny state of Florida, a scream was heard by very few as the silence were broken. The monster that had recently arrived in their city was on the prowl again, and he had killed yet another innocent woman.

The police couldn’t decide what this animal wanted, because they were confused. They were confused at the fact that all the signs of the cause of death led to a large mountain lion; but it was a lion with ‘common sense’. As the curly haired brunette watched him finish another meal, she chuckled.

“You realize their starting to figure it out.” She sighed, taking the weight of her side and leaning against a nearby tree. The surrounding forest was dead silent, even the birds had fled.

“What.” The male scoffed. As he wiped the blood away from his mouth, he tossed a limp woman’s body away, the body falling in a close by ditch.

“That the killer is not a mere mountain lion. I know only Mystic Falls knows comprehensively about vampires, but Damon you can’t keep doing this.” She pleaded him, walking towards him. Damon’s eyes were soulless, even more so then when she had pretended to love him.

“Go to hell, Katherine.” Damon choked, walking away from his previous lover.

“I’m already there.” She chuckled, flitting in front of the raging vampire.

“Get out of my way.” Damon raged, his eyes filled with anger and his fists clenched.

“Don’t, Katherine.” A voice said from the shadows, walking towards the two vampires.

“Well, look who decided to show.” Katherine sarcastically said, not taking her attention away from Damon.

“Elijah sent a message for me to give to you. Apparently, Luciana has returned.” The blonde appeared from the shadows, a smirk plastered across her face.

“That’s impossible. I managed to convince Kol to compel her to forget for eternity. How did she-?” Katherine stopped herself in realization. “Elijah.” She angrily spoke.

“Yes.” Georgia nodded, approaching Damon.

“Damon we need to get you back to Mystic Falls. Luce needs you.”

“No.” Damon spat. “I vowed never to go back there.” Damon turned away, only to be re-confronted by Georgia, and Katherine behind.

“Damon you were compelled by Klaus not to return. What you said to Luce about leaving and loving her weren’t your words. Think Damon. Think about Luce, and even with the shreds you have left of your soul, think about how you felt about her.”

Damon stood there, shocked.

Georgia had always been there for Luce, ever since she had got beaten up at the prep school he had attended in the lat 1900’s. Georgia had been dating Stefan at the time, and when Georgia had introduced them, they had hit it off straight away, they were great friends. Nothing more though, Luce didn’t want that; not at the time.

2 years later, the graduating party had finished and Damon had turned her. Luce stayed quite calm about the situation, suggesting that she had obviously been controlling emotions throughout her life- but how?

“Who’s Luciana?” Damon asked, still peering down at the bark covered ground below their feet.

“Luce. She’s an original. She’s the youngest of the Mickelson family.” Katherine stated, seeing the shock appear in Georgia’s eyes.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now