Chapter 12- Mystic Falls to Atlanta

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“Is it ready?”

“Yes. We need her body, I need to make sure she survives the spell that I cast.”

“I’ll get her.”

“No, Damon you prepare yourself, I’ll get her. She’s in the basement, right?” Damon nodded.

Caroline flitted down the stairs into the Salvatore’s basement. After last night, Elena stayed over in the spare bedroom along with Bonnie and Caroline. No one wanted to leave Damon, not when he was prepared to give his life for Luce.

“Bonnie, have you seen Stefan?” Elena asked running down the stairs to discover a completely different layout within the Salvatore’s living room. The sofa’s that use to sit within the center of the room had vanished to make way for the massive dining table that now sat there, covered in lit candles splitting it into two sections. Next to the table was a raven bookstand, which held Bonnie’s Grimoires’.

“He hasn’t returned from last night. Stuff him. He’s probably gone to see Klaus about this whole situation. Can’t blame him, but I can bring her back- and if losing my soul is the cost, then so be it.” Damon laid on the table as Caroline appeared with Luce’s limp body placed on the side nearest Bonnie.

“Ok, Damon the pain you’ll experience is unlike any other, so guys he’ll yell and scream quite a lot.” At that Damon shrugged it off, laying down next to Luce. He took her lifeless hand and stared at her pale face, closing his eyes.

“Ok, I’m ready.” Damon stated.

“Very well. Elena could you remove the dagger from Luce?” Elena did as instructed, Bonnie flipping to the correct page of her Grimoire and reciting the revival spell.

All that could be heard were the witches angry with Bonnie for using the spell again, but they could understand why she was using it. Luce was not- after all- a vampire, but once again a human with supernatural capabilities, and she was still part witch, whether her powers were restored with the revival or not.

“Argh!” Damon yelled, gripping the table, crushing the material. His left hand was gripping onto Luce’s hand, careful not to crush the entirety of it.

“Bonnie stop! It’s hurting him too much!” Elena yelled, running over to the witch.

“Caroline don’t let her stop! Let me do this!” Damon yelled through gritted teeth. Caroline nodded, knowing Damon’s reason for this. She restrained Elena by standing behind her and pinning her arms behind her back, Elena giving up on trying to break free from Caroline’s vampire strength grip.

In a flash Damon sat bolt upright, then flopped back to the table; a ripple effect happened, by where as soon as Damon made contact with the table Luce sucked in a breath and started coughing, gasping for the air she had been deprived of.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now