Chapter 2- Brothers

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I gasped for air as I rose from a stranger’s bed, and sat there breathing heavily, with someone entering the room. “Sorry about that Luce. Here, drink.” Stephan’s strong hands handed me a glass of red wine. “Why would I have red wine in the morning?” I said, getting up from the bed, and treading barefoot across the oak floor. We were upstairs, because there was that hollow feeling in the floor boards. “Luce, don’t!” Stephan yelled, suddenly appearing in front of me, his hands grasping the curtains. I heard something behind me smash, a glass. He got to me before the glass touched the ground, how is that possible? I thought. “You can’t go out in sunlight, it’s dangerous.” Stephan warned.

“Why? It’s not like I’ll burn.” I joked, opening the curtains to a scorching light. “Argh!” I yelled, falling away from the curtains and onto the hard, oak floor. I looked at my hand and saw the burn marks from the sun healing really fast. My eyes widened; that’s impossible. “H-How?” I said to Stephan.

“You’re a vampire, Luce. A blood sucking- nocturnal predator.” Damon walked into the room whilst Stephan helped me up.

“Brother I was going to break it to her gently,” Stephan replied to Damon. I was still in shock from burning from the sun… “I’m a vampire? But, how?” I said, my eyes beginning to look like glass as tears began to trickle down my unblemished face. “You’re both crazy, stay away from me!” I yelled at them, running down the stairs. I saw a girl with blood coming from her neck, and I felt an uncontrollable lust to kill her. My eyes felt weird, as I tried to resist the urge, but it was no use. I ran with incredible speed to her, and bit her neck, reopening her wound, drinking from her jugular. Her blood tasted so good, it was like that was my food, like the ultimate satisfaction. The girl struggled for a second or so, but then she went limp. I tore away from her neck, causing her to fall on the rug, lifeless and bloody. “Well brother, looks like she’s my kind of vampire-heh” I heard Damon say. I turned around, but he was no-where to be seen. “Damon? Where are you?” I said, falling to my knees as reality set in. I just killed someone for their blood.

“We’re upstairs, wait there; we’ll be down in a second.” I heard him say. He wasn’t shouting, but I could hear what he was saying, how was that possible? I scratched that thought almost immediately. I had just been burnt by the sun, been told I was a vampire and killed a girl by drinking her blood, and it was still only morning. I chuckled at myself, looking to see Damon and Stephan stood in front of me. Damon held out his masculine hand and pulled me into a hug of pettiness, as he slowly stroked my hair.

“You did this to me.” I said, pushing him away too hard. He flew back, crashing into the walls and caused the picture that was hanging there to fall on his head. “Brother, you deserved that.” Stephan said, the corner of his mouth pricking into a smile.

“I know, but damn she’s strong.” I crossed my arms, looking down at myself.

“Hey, I wasn’t dressed in this attire, what happened to my clothes?” I said, uncrossing my arms and flickering (decided to call it flickering, because I can’t put ‘ran really fast’ every time) to Damon and pushing him against the wall once more. “I’m afraid they were a bit bloody, but if you want to fetch them out of the fire, you’re welcome too.” Damon smirked in that sexy way that he does. I glanced over to the fire to see my dress painted in blood, burning on the fire. “Hmph, show me where I can change please, I presume you have a guest bedroom, and a spare wardrobe?” Letting Damon go, and walking slowly up the stairs. “Sure, third door to the left. We’ve got to go out, we’ll be back by nightfall.” Stephan smiled, before I disappeared. I decided to explore since I was in the house alone. The house was huge, with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a massive lounge which I had already seen. “Hmm, this must be Damon’s room.” I said to myself. I was feeling quite hungry again, and I had seemed to gotten use to the idea that I was a vampire. Well I hadn’t, but for some reason I hadn’t felt any emotions since I killed that girl. Funny that. I peeked through the door to see a glass full of blood, and one full of whisky. I opened the one with blood in, feeling my eye go all tingly again. I decided to see what it was, and saw that Damon had a cheval glass mirror near his bed. I carefully dodged the sun, and looked at my reflection in the mirror. To my surprise I could actually see it, but there was something different about me. I was slightly taller, although barefoot, and I had become blemish free; my hair had grown down to my waist, but the strangest thing was my eyes. When I sniffed the blood, my eyes appeared to have clear bloodshot effect, and as soon as I put the bottle down, my eyes returned to their crystal blue colour.


“We’re home; did you miss us, Luce?” Damon and Stephan entered their house, with bags of clothes. “Maybe, but I got bored after a while, so I’m afraid you’re out of blood. I replied, mockingly shaking his empty bottle of blood. He smirked, whilst Stephan looked slightly worried. “Luce, you should drink that in moderation, there’s not a never-ending supply.” Stephan said sternly, and Damon burst out laughing. “Brother, there’s over a billion people on the planter, I’m sure they won’ just suddenly die.” I couldn’t help but laugh, Damon was cute when he back chatted Stephan. “Wait, how do you guys go out in the sun?” I asked, suddenly realising that they would have burnt to a crisp by the third step they took out the door. “That’s partly the reason we went out, here, wear this at all times, and you have to worry about the sun.” Stephan handed me a ring identical to that of what him and Damon were wearing. “Thank you, Mr. Salvatore.” I said, pretending to curtsey. It was an ugly ring, not to my taste- but if it helps me go out in daylight, I’ll have to put up with it. “Right, Luce, we’ll show you to your room, you’ll be staying with us from now, you can’t go back to your family, they think your dead.” Damon said bluntly. I stood there, in shock.

“Brother, just because you turn your humanity off, doesn’t mean we all do!” Stephan yelled at him, but I was to awe struck to hear the rest of the conversation. Next thing I know, I’m sat on my bed with Stephan kneeling in front of me, his hands on mine. “Luce, don’t pay any attention to Damon, he’s shut off his emotions. As a vampire, all emotions are heightened, which includes anger and grief.” Stephan looked up at me, looking worried about me. “If you want, I’ll teach you how to control them, and also your blood lust. It will take many years, but we’re immortal, so it won’t matter.” Stephan said. His words were sticking like glue, every word pounding in my head.

“How come you never… How come you’re vampires? I mean, I’ve known you since you started Princeton Prep, you were strange, but oddly very attractive. Is that why?” I asked, the words coming out all jumbled.

“Well, I suppose. We have been vampires for quite a while, so we know the drill all too well. Why, is there anything we should know?” He replied. There was something, but I didn’t want to share it with him. I had a dark secret, that no-one knew. “If we live to the year 2010, then I will tell you and Damon, but not until then, is that understood?” I didn’t realise what I was doing, but Stephan’s pupils contracted and expanded very quickly, and he suddenly became very agreeing with what I had just said. “Ofcourse, I would not want to trouble you with your problems. I will see you in the morning, bright and early.”

“What for?” I asked.

“Vampire training.”

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now