Chapter 4- Katherine

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Ok, before I start, Damon’s jokes in this, some may consider offensive. I can assure you I don’t mean to offend anyone!

Ok, enjoy :)

Year: 1978

Current Location: Atlanta, Georgia- United States of America.

“I can’t believe the USA is so big. Why did you move to England?” I asked as we sailed along is Stefan’s red car. We moved to the USA about 2 months ago, and Damon and I went to see Mount Rushmore, where he and Stefan were when the unveiled it to the world. It’s amazing what the benefits are of having an immortal boyfriend.

“We need to move around every couple of years, because we don’t age.” Stefan replied, slowing down. I was sat on Damon’s lap in the back with our luggage taking up the front passenger seat and the other back seats. Surprisingly most of it wasn’t mine.

“Basically we’re like rich gypsies” Damon joked. His hand was slowly getting higher and higher up my leg, and suddenly he started to tickle me. I screamed which caused Stefan to force the brakes on hard, and I slammed into the headrest of the front passenger seat. Me and Damon were laughing while Stefan stormed out of the car, slamming the door shut and grabbing his luggage from the front seat.

“Woah, someone’s a party pooper.” Damon joked. I chuckled lightly, but was curios as to why Stefan was so mad at a little scream.


“Well that’s one upside of being a vampire, extremely quick unpacking services.” I spoke as Damon jumped onto the bed I was laying on.

“Where’s my old bed?” Damon asked, his senses sharper than usual.

“It’s here, but I like my bed better. For one it doesn’t squeak.” I chuckled as Damon put an arm around me, myself snuggling into his chest.

Minutes passed like nothing, as we both lay there in pure tranquility. But there was something I couldn’t get out of my mind. “Damon?” I asked, thinking back to that night where I asked him why he turned me. He still hadn’t answered me about it.

“Hm?” He replied, the arm around me stroking my arm.

“Why doesn’t Stefan like me? I know I stood up to him, but that was over 7 years ago.” Damon sighed heavily, thinking of what to answer.

“When you’re a vampire, you have to adjust your perception of time. Because we’re immortal, years are nothing. To have a meaning, decades need to pass.”

“But?” I asked.

“But, I will have a word with him for you. We’ll go to that new bar.”

“What new bar?”

“I don’t know, I just heard someone passing by talking about it.”

“You and your senses.” I joked, hearing Stefan approaching the room.

“Come in Stefan.” I said sitting up as Stefan opened the door.

“Luce, may I have a word?” He said. Surprised, I looked back at Damon to receive a gesturing nod.

“We’ll be back soon, Damon.” Stefan assured him, but I don’t think he could have cared less.

“Luce, I need to tell you something, something that I should have told you before we left England.” Stefan slowed his red car down to a halt. We were miles away from anywhere. Perfect to stop Damon from hearing.

“What is it, Stefan?” I asked, curious.

“Why we- Damon turned you.” I shook my head.

“I already know why, because he felt alone. He said so himself.” It wasn’t a convincing lie, but I think he bought it.

“What he told you was a lie. We turned you because Katherine is after you.”

“You mean your psycho ex?”

“No- Yes. What I’m trying to say is she’s working for someone. We don’t know who, but he wants you for something. We thought he wanted your human form, which is why we turned you.” My anger sparked.

“So you’re trying to say you turned me because some evil guy who wants me? And you thought he wanted me ‘alive’ so you turned me into a god damn vampire?” I yelled, stepping out the car.

“Katherine wait!” Stefan shouted, and I turned around to see him directly in front of me.

“Did you just call me- Katherine?” Stefan was speechless. He just stood there, not even looking at me in the eye.

“Well done Stefan, now, go to sleep.” A familiar voice said as he fell to the floor. I caught his masculine body and saw the blood pooling from just under his heart. He’d been shot. I looked up to see Katherine with a few men that looked like body guards, who were walking beside her.

“You compelled him to bring me out here!” I yelled at her, stepping in front of him.”

“Oh well done, you know how to think.” Katherine smirked, pointing her finger at me. “Get her.” I tried to run, but they were on me before I had a chance. One wrenched his fist in my stomach, twisting it and ripping out some internal organs, while the other two held my arms out.

“What do you want.” I winced as she came mere inches from my face, running her finger along the outside of my gouge and licking her lips.

“Not as good as Damon’s, but close.” She winked, ordering the one that had ripped out my internal contents to pick up Stefan.

“Wait.” I said, causing Katherine to stop in her tracks. “Put Stefan back, give me a chance to say goodbye to Damon and I’ll come with you.” I heard a faint laugh before she turned around.

“And why would I do that? I have you, and even better, Stefan. Why would I make a deal that involves the possibility of losing you both?”

“Because from what I’ve heard, your superior just wants me. If you go to him with Stefan, isn’t he likely to get killed? And if I’m not going to see him again, I at least want to say goodbye.” As I finished her hand clamped tightly around my neck, causing her ‘minions’ to release me.

“Fine. I’ll give you Stefan when we get there, and you can take him inside. After which, you have 5 minutes to say goodbye to Damon. Understood?” I didn’t show any fear, and just nodded.


“There you go, Stefan.” I placed Stefan gently down on his bed as he slowly became conscious.

“Luce, I.” I put a finger on his lips, leaning in and kissing his forehead.

“I’m sorry Stefan. Goodbye.” I approached Damon’s room with hesitation, and I began to hear a loud noise which wasn’t his moan. It was another’s. I didn’t even want to open the door, because I knew what was going on in there. I didn’t need visual aid to prove it.

“Let’s go.” I flitted down to Katherine who was waiting in the entrance.

“Are you not saying goodbye to him?” She could hear the noises as well as I could, so I clenched my fists and breezed past her.

“I’ve said my goodbyes.”

“Very well. Let us go.”

“Where are we going?”

“Mystic falls.”

“Who’s at Mystic Falls?”

“An original Vampire.”

“I didn’t think there were any left.”

“Yes, there is. His name is Klaus.”

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now