Chapter 25- The Sacrifice

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Klaus- anxiously waiting the return of Rebekah and Luce- was brushing the anger and passion through his brush onto a paint soaked canvas.

“Rebekah.” Klaus pivoted to see Luce in Rebekah’s arms, and could smell the dried blood stains on her hair. “What happened?” Klaus rushed to them, taking Luce from his sister and laying her on the couch.

“Let’s just say Alaric wasn’t easy to persuade.”

“But you got it?” Klaus asked as Rebekah pulled the white oak stake from her jacket.

“The last of the stakes that can kill us. Would you like to do it? Or shall I?” Rebekah smirked, Klaus mimicking her as he took the stake and threw it into the fire, the flames bursting into an inferno as the stake burnt to ashes.

“Well when Luce becomes well enough, I will be leaving with her and the doppelganger.” Klaus blurted, Rebekah’s face dropping from sadness.

“Can’t we stay one more night? I helped to organize the dance and I want to go. Please, Nick.” There was an awkward silence as Klaus thought about it. This would be once more chance to embarrass the Salvatore’s, before leaving them with no one to love. He would take Elena away form the both of them, and when Damon would go and turn to Luce; she would be half way around the world with him as well. Klaus smirked to himself.

“Very well.” He sighed, looking pained that he had to go. “Only if you get Luce to go with you.”

“Why does she have to come?”

“Because, I want her to see that she will have to fight for me.”

“What if she won’t?”

“Then I will kill Damon.” Klaus snapped, walking out of the house. “And make sure she is there, you might need to go and buy a dress- although there is a selection for her upstairs.” Klaus spoke as he slammed the door, Rebekah sighing.

“Luce.” Rebekah knelt down to Luce, her hand on Luce’s forearm.

Luce groaned, bringing her palm to the back of her head, where she was struck by Esther, posing as Rebekah. As Luce squinted in the light, she saw a vague outline of a fair haired woman become clear; Rebekah.

“Get away from me.” Luce hissed in pain, standing up too quickly. She went to run over and get out of the door, but Rebekah appeared in front of her.

“Luce. I need you to keep quiet about me. Please.” Esther begged.

“Why should I?” Luce asked, stepping around Esther.

“Because.” Esther snapped, grabbing Luce’s arm with a strong force. Luce looked down at her hand before into Rebekah’s eyes; they had softened, suggesting that she was sorry. “Niklaus wants you to go to the dance. There are dresses upstairs. Please, take one you like and go over to Elena’s.” Esther said, not compelling Luce but begging her.

“Fine.” Luce sighed, pulling her arm back to herself before walking to the door. She stopped, peering up the stairs, tempted. Giving into temptation, Luce gradually made her way up the stairs.

As she approached the polished wooden door, a loud crash was heard from downstairs. Luce presumed it was Esther trying to fight within Rebekah’s body, so she carried on through the solid door, into Klaus’ mahogany room.

Luce reached the wardrobe, pulling the doors open to discover a whole other room. There were dresses from every era here. She had no idea what decade they were doing at the school, since she had missed so much there. Damon had probably compelled the receptionist to say that Luce was merely an exchange student, not staying for long.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now