Chapter 26- A New Start

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“It would be either Katherine…” Georgia paused, looking for a way to tell her best friend.

“Or it would be me.”

 Georgia turned away from Luce. Ever since she had met Stefan, she had felt an unusual spark between them. Whether it was because she was a witch, or it was just coincidence, it was unknown.

“I don’t need anyone to sacrifice themselves for me. Alaric has already made a choice that has Jeremy and Elena with no-one. I do not want to add to the collection of deaths caused by me.” Luce scolded.

“It’s not your choice, Luce. Katherine was very specific when she said it would either be she or I.” Georgia sighs, stepping forward to Luce and grabbing a hand.

“What are you doing?” Luce questions.

“I’m sorry Luce, but this has to be done.” Georgia replies, squeezing Luce’s hands.

“Ah. You’re hurting me.” Luce tried to struggle, but Georgia’s steel grip was too tight and strong. She began to feel the life force being sucked out of her, and slowly Luce descended to the ground, where Georgia placed Luce’s head upon her bent knee.

“Why?” Luce whispered, barely able to talk.

“Because you’re my best friend. And to see you hurt… I can’t bear that. I’m sorry, Luce.” Georgia apologized, closing her eyes for what seemed like eternity before she opened them again, seeing Luce lying on the floor, lifeless.

“Is it done?”

“Yes.” Georgia sighed, placing Luce’s body down on a wooden table covered in candles, which went along with the room.

“I always get what I want, Georgia. But I have to thank you.”

“Wow. An apology from Katerina Petrova? Must be a good day after all.” Georgia said sarcastically.

“I heard about the history teacher. Too bad for poor Elena, she’s loosing everyone.” Katherine chuckled, placing a strand of her hair away from Luce’s lifeless, pale face.

“You realize that if you do this, you’ll be an even bigger bitch than you are now.” Georgia frowned, digging out an old Grimoire that she and Katherine had discovered whilst in the abandoned house.

“Yes. But at least I’ll be with one of the Salvatore brothers. Granted, it’s not the one I wanted most, but he’ll have to do.”

“Don’t talk about Damon like that. You have no idea what he’s gone through for Luce.” Georgia hissed.

“Don’t hiss at me. And yes, actually, I do know. I have had compelled humans for over a century watching Damon and Stefan, So you do not even begin to know what I know about them.” Katherine confronted.

“Whatever.” Georgia shrugged, knowing that she couldn’t win. Although she wasn’t exactly that spring chicken herself, Katherine has been a vampire for over half a century and in that time, all she has done is fled from Klaus. “Let’s just get on with the spell before the Salvatore’s or even Klaus come to rescue her.” Katherine flinched at the name, and quickly got into position, lying down on a remarkably similar table adjacent to Luce, preparing for the transfusion.

“Are you ready?” Georgia asked.

“Just get it over and done with. And you are never to mention a word of this to anyone. Is that understood?” Katherine shot a warning glance at Georgia, and wordlessly, she nodded.

“Ok, this will hurt, a lot.”


“Where is she?” Damon yelled down the phone, trying to find Luce.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now