Chapter 17- Introductions

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Right, so this is Georgia's side of the story... Imagine another person is telling it, because i can get much more messages across with the POV being neutral (a.k.a 3rd person)

Enjoy the chapter :) (sorry it might be a tad short)


“Well Luce, what do you say we have an early night?” Damon smirked, his muscular arm bracing Luce’s, like he always did. Georgia and Stefan stood beside them, standing still within the great hall of the famous English prep school, the two American Salvatore’s accents sticking out like a sore thumb.

“I say that’s a wonderful idea Damon.” Luce paused, smiling back at Damon, staring into his crystal blue eyes. “Stefan, Georgia.” Luce glanced at Stefan and his company, bidding them farewell before being taken away elegantly by Damon.

“Would you like this dance, Stefan?” Georgia smiled, taking Stefan’s’ arm and leading him onto the dance floor.

“Georgia, I don’t dance, remember?” Stefan smiled, leaning into the blonde and caressing her lips, his ringed hand stroking her face.

“I know, I just thought we could give Damon and Luce a little time to get to the house before going.” Georgia leaned her nose against the younger Salvatore’s, smiling before kissing him passionately.

“Georgia, I’ve already told you. We aren’t allowed guests in the house, our-”

“Our parents won’t allow it, yes I know.” Georgia finished, stepping away from his embrace and walking outside.

“I’m sorry, G.” Stefan said, Georgia blushing when he mentioned ‘G’. Its what her mother had called her the first time Stefan had come around, as a joke- but it stuck with Stefan.

“You know I can’t stay mad at you.” Georgia winked, leading Stefan off the dance floor, following in Damon and Luce’s footsteps.

“Where’d they-” Stefan was cut off by Georgia’s ear piercing scream, and the scent of human blood filling his nose; but not just any human’s. Luce’s.

“Luce!” Georgia yelled, tears streaming down her face. “Stefan, we have to, we have to go… we have to go get help.” Georgia stammered, keeping her eyes on Luce’s lifeless body.

“No, dear Georgia.” A blonde man walked out from the shadows, covered in blood, but around him mouth.

“Did you kill her?” Georgia confronted, the tears streaming down onto the flowing turquoise dress. The vulnerable girl turned around to find Stefan frozen in fear, staring wide-eyed at the blonde monster.

“Hello, my friend.” He smiled, kneeling down to Luce’s lifeless body.

“She won’t be dead for long, your dear brother was kind enough to do as I requested and turn her. Now she will come with me.” The blonde stood up, raising his hand and gesturing two men to pick up Luce’s body.

“No.” Stefan manned up and spoke, his voice harsh, his eyebrows furrowed in anger.

“Stefan?” Georgia questioned, looking at her boyfriend with fear. How did he think he was going to take on this… monster? He was clearly not human.

“Stay back, Georgia, close your eyes.” Stefan placed a hand on Georgia’s shoulder before dashing at inhuman speed to the blonde, tackling him to the ground; or so Georgia thought.

It was a blur, the two males fighting over the possession of Luce’s body.

“Leave!” She heard Stefan shout, before another yell could be heard from him, an expression of pain.

“Stefan!” Georgia rushed over to Stefan, whom had a wooden branch that had been snapped stuck within his stomach.

“L-Leave me alone…” Stefan grumbled, pushing Georgia away and flitting off with Luce’s body.

“Stefan?” Georgia froze when she realized that Stefan had left her with the blonde monster, one that would most likely kill her.

“My dear, he has gone.” A voice said from behind- and the footsteps approaching stopped when she turned around.

“Stay away!” Georgia yelled, causing the three monsters to grab their heads and writhe in pain. How was she doing that?

“Stop it, witch.”

“Witch?” Georgia stepped back to reveal a hard figure, who grasped her mouth and braced her shoulders, preventing her from further movement.

“Now, my dear, you are going to come with me.” Georgia made no attempt to struggle, as she was to petrified to- the man’s steel grip was too strong for her, even if she was a supposed witch.

Once he trusted her enough that she wouldn’t make a sound, he released her, grabbing her wrist and placed a finger on her lips, shushing her.

“May I least know you name?” Georgia asked, staring into what looked like bloodshot eyes surrounded by concrete, and a smile with two extremely pointed canines.

“My name? You are a brave one- I think I’ll keep you alive.” Georgia stiffened at the statement, but put on a brave face for her ‘murderer’.

“His name is Niklaus.” A brunette appeared from the shadows, dressed in a smart suit.

“Mr. Smith?” Georgia asked; how did she know this man?

“Very good, brother. Posing as the history teacher- any new tricks up your sleeve? As you can see, I am not going to kill this witch- she could potentially grow into a powerful asset for me.” Klaus smirked, not turning to gaze at his brother, but keeping his gorgeous eyes on the witch.

“I know your game, brother. It was not a coincidence that I saw you tonight. You were after her, weren’t you?” He asked.

“Elijah, she is the only chance I have of breaking this curse, other than the ritual. Don’t you understand that?”

“Crystal clear, brother. But your werewolf side will still be dormant, even with the help of Lucinda.” Georgia glanced at her history teacher. Werewolves? They were the stuff of myth, surely?

“Werewolves? You’re crazy.” Georgia blurted, instantly retracting her statement by placing her hand on her mouth.

“Yes, we probably are. After all, we are centuries old.”

“Niklaus, brother; let her go.” Elijah walked calmly over to his brother, placing a hand upon his tense shoulder.

“You are mistaken in your actions to think I have forgiven you, brother. Anyway, this dear is mine for the keeping. Shall we formally introduce ourselves? Brother, you first.” Klaus smiled as he once again glanced at his brother, but careful not to let Georgia out of his grasp.

“I am Elijah, an original vampire. This is my half brother- Niklaus.”

“Please brother, Niklaus is the name my father gave me.” He paused there, lifting Georgia’s hand to his mouth and kissing it delicately, like if it were glass, and would smash under any more pressure.

“Call me… Klaus.”


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Oh, and because of study/ exams etc, i'm afraid i won't be uploading as often, just literally when i can write :/ but over summer i'm going to bomb it and hopefully finish it, so i can enter it in the Watty's!! So i REALLY need your votes and reads!

Thanks a tonne my dear readers!! :D 

Meg. xx

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now