Chapter 13- Confrontation

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“So he’s gone?”

“For now, yes.” Caroline replied. She placed her empty glass down, asking the bartender for a top up.

“Why would Katherine and Georgia do this? Surely they have no reason to help him.” Bonnie took the last mouthful of hers, placing the glass down on the bar.

“That’s what I don’t understand… Would you like another?”

“No thanks. I’m going back to Elena’s. You coming?” Bonnie asked.

“I’ll be there in a few.” Caroline began to drink yet another glass of bourbon, reminding Bonnie of Damon.

“Hey, Bonnie. Come on in.” Elena invited Bonnie in, gesturing her into the living room where Stefan and Luce where sat talking.

“Thanks. When did he turn up?”

“Right after you left. But something’s not right. I know it hasn’t been since he left with Klaus, but the situation that Stefan has put himself in with Luce has just made it worse.”

“What do you mean?”

“She means that I shouldn’t be caring for her, and it’s none of my business. It is, but I can tell when I’m not wanted. I’ll see you later.”

“Stefan I didn’t mean-”

“Goodnight Elena.” Stefan turned to Bonnie, slightly bowing his head. “Bonnie.” She nodded in reply. Without another word, he left, closing the wooden door behind him.

“Don’t worry Elena; Stefan is just a bit… annoyed at people at the moment.” Luce wandered up to the girls, her eyes lifeless and her skin as pale as the moon.

“Luce! You shouldn’t be up, come on let’s get you upstairs. We’re having a girly night in.” Bonnie’s lips perked at this, a smile appearing on her face.

“Ok. That sounds good.” Luce smiled, allowing Bonnie and Elena to take her arms and escort her up the stairs.

“Hey guys.” Caroline leaped through the window, holding a bottle of vodka within her grasp. “Guess what I’ve brought!”

“Caroline are you drunk?” Elena asked, helping Caroline into her bedroom.

“Yup. And you guys will be soon aswell. Everyone grab a pillow, we’re playing a game.”

“Caroline I don’t think Luce’s-”

“I’m fine, Elena. A chilled night with booze is what I need.” Luce grabbed a collection of pillows off of Elena’s bed, laying them in a circle. The girls took themselves to one each, Caroline flitting downstairs to retrieve the shot glasses whilst Bonnie and Elena grabbed a spare bottle to spin.

“Here, take one.” Caroline distributed the shot glasses, and the game begun.

“Your turn, Bonnie.” Caroline slurred, resisting the urge to take a drink from her shot.

“Ok. I have never…” Bonnie though about it, and after a serious think, she clicked her fingers. “I have never driven whilst I was drunk.” Caroline sighed, expecting it to be a ‘dig of the dirt’ one, but took her drink anyway.

Luce was the only one that had not taken a drink, partly because she had never driven a car. Before Luce got turned, she hadn’t owned a car. After, when she was finally allowed out of the house, Stefan wouldn’t let Luce touch his car, not to mention drive it. Damon would occasionally let her, but only for runs around the park.

“Ok, I’ll spin.” Elena spun the bottle gently, hoping it to land on Luce. Unlucky for her, it landed on Caroline.

“I have never had it outside.” She threw back her refilled shot, and- hesitantly- Luce picked up her shot glass and allowed the sour liquid to pour down her throat, wincing at the after taste.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now