Chapter 16- The Compelled

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The younger Salvatore stirred from his bed, wandering over the nightstand where his spare bottle of bourbon was kept. He filled his glass to the brim, and when he lifted it to his blood covered lips, some spilt over the edge. But he didn’t care.

He swirled around to see the blood covered sheets and a familiar girl in his bed. As he threw the bourbon to the back of his throat, the burning sensation at the back of his neck was enough to satisfy him for a few minutes.

Stefan ran to Luce as she began to regain consciousness, rubbing her neck out of pain. He had well and truly fed from her, to the brink of death. Somehow her blood tasted different, not like all the other girls that he had killed within recent months. When Klaus had compelled him to remember, he pondered on a thought for a second and realized that wasn’t the first time he had forced him to remember. HE had met Klaus after Chicago, before saving Elena from her parent’s car crash, and before moving back to Mystic Falls.


A small wave of guilt washed over him, knowing that even though he and Elena could no longer be together, his feelings for her would never go away. Not unless his humanity was gone.

“Stefan?” An innocent voice said, turning over to see the younger Salvatore sitting on the edge of the double bed. “Did last night really happen?” Luce said in shock, her guilt multiplying by the second. She had betrayed Damon. His soul knew this, and would never let her forget. Not unless compelled, of course.

“Luce, come here.” Stefan commanded, flitting to refill his crystal glass with a golden alcoholic substance.

“Stefan we shouldn’t have-”

“Come here.” Stefan interjected, anger in his voice.

“Ok.” Luce mumbled, scared by Stefan’s anger. Last night hadn’t been that bad; had it?

“Drink.” Stefan flitted back to the end of the double bed, biting his wrist and shoving it in Luce’s face. Luce nodded, taking his wrist and slurping out his blood before the wound healed. The girl stopped drinking, rubbing her neck to check her bite marks. They’d gone.

“Now, look at me.” Stefan sat down on the bed once more, taking Luce’s hand within his free one.

“Stefan, don’t do this.” Luce shook her head, refusing to look at him. She knew she was going to be compelled to forget. Only problem that deep down she would never forget. She would never forget that both Salvatore’s- whether in the present of past, loved her.

“You will forget about last night. You will forget that I have feelings for you, and you will not have feelings for me. You love Damon, ok? And I love Elena…” Stefan cupped Luce’s face, making sure that she was looking directly into his dark eyes.

“Stefan?” Luce shook her head from side to side, confusion striking over her. What was she doing in Stefan’s bed? With blood covered sheets? “Stefan, ho my god. What happened?” Luce backed away from the younger Salvatore, scared. Her crystal blue eyes widened in fear, and scrambling off the bed she headed for the door.

“Luce its ok. A vampire attacked you last night, and her obviously compelled you to forget. I had to put you in my room because Elena is in Damon’s. And I wanted to keep an eye on you.” Stefan said solemnly. He didn’t like lying to her, but he did what was necessary, especially since he knew Klaus now had a hold on him, a hold that would be extremely difficult to escape.

“Who attacked me?” Luce asked Stefan; still unsure about the situation she woke up to.

“I don’t know, Georgia found you.”

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now