Chapter 9- Change of perspective

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Ok, this chapter is  (admittidly) quite boring. But i wanted to change the POV's of things, changing it to 3rd person, so I am able to keep switching between Klaus and Georgia, and Luce and the Salvatore's. Enjoy!

As I began to feel sick, I pushed myself yet further into the dark corner of the room. Damon continued glaring at Klaus, tempted to rip his heart out. I slowly rocked back and fourth, sweat beading in my forehead. The blood I had taken from Klaus was rushing around my system, seeming to make it feel like I was high.

“How can she be sired to you? Only your hybrids are.” Stefan spoke calmly. His arm lowered off Damon’s chest, trusting him not to make a move.

“She is special. With the power of premonitions, her blood and my blood mixed will create the ultimate hybrid. However there is a catch.” Georgia appeared from behind Damon and Stefan, rubbing her blood covered arm until no mark was left.

Damon took this chance to attack, but Georgia was prepared. Her fingers spread and arm extended towards him, causing once more to crumple on the floor.

“NO!” I yelled, flitting towards her. I managed to shove her into the wall, knocking her unconscious. Klaus and Stefan stood there, staring at me.

“It seems my blood is taking affect.” Klaus smirked, walking towards Georgia and I.

“Don’t you dare.” I snarled, snapping to the side as I felt my leg snap in two. I screeched in pain.

“That’s what you get, bitch.” I turned to see Georgia stood up, her glare intense. As Klaus grabbed my arm, his grip tightened to an extent where he drew blood.

“She is all yours.” Klaus chucked me to Stefan and Damon. Damon just stood glancing the occasional glare at me, but his focus was on Klaus.

“Come on Luce. Let’s get you home.” Stefan slung my arm around his neck, helping me to walk on my healing leg.

“I’ll catch up with you later, brother.” Damon stormed out of the house, not even paying attention to Klaus or Georgia and the small possibility they might attack. Why were they releasing me?

“Why did you do this, Klaus?” Stefan asked, not budging.

“Stefan, leave it. It’s done, please can we just go home.” I pleaded. I just wanted to forget what had happened with Klaus.

“You better listen to her, Stefan. After all, wouldn’t want your little slut to get hurt.” Georgia spat, Klaus raising a hand and peering behind him, gesturing her to shut up.

“Never mind her, she’s still mourning over you. Now leave.” Klaus commanded.


[3rd person]

Luce collapsed on her bed, giving the worn springs a chance to make a racket. After her and Stefan had fled Klaus’ house-and Georgia- she left Stefan downstairs to himself and flitted upstairs. She hadn’t even bothered to turn on the light or draw the curtains to gaze at the stars. No. All she wanted was to be left alone. When wondering to her bed, she had caught her hip on the sharp edge of her desk. Ever since Georgia had snapped her leg, Luce’s healing capabilities had almost completely diminished, meaning that a nasty cut or gash would take some hours to heal. At least with the pain it was something real she could actually cope with, something sane and somewhat normal in her imperfect world.

After a few minutes, her eyes began to flutter, having the tranquil feeling of finally being left alone.

There was a knock at the door.

Luce ignored the knock, hoping that whoever it was would give up. If it were Stefan, he would respect her personal space, and was probably checking everything was ok since he’d probably heard Luce gasp at the blood leaking from her hip. Another knock, and another. The knocking gradually got more and more frequent, and there was no escape from the continuous sound. There was a low, throat clearing sound, ready for him to speak.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now