Chapter 7- Love

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“She’s a witch, Stefan.” Bonnies voice was cold, yet filled with love. She knew what it was like to find out you had powers.

“How? Surely we would’ve known before-” Stefan paused, looking to me, then back at Damon. “You knew.” Stefan bluntly said.

“Why do you automatically everything is my fault, brother?” Damon smirked. He was trying to hide it.

“Oh my god you knew.” Elena’s arms entangled around Stefan’s arms, causing Damon to stiffen lightly.

“Do you know how dangerous your actions were? I’m surprised she’s lasted this long.” Bonnie spat.

“Hey, ‘she’ is in the room. What’s going on? I surely would have known if I was a witch, right?” I questioned.

“Not necessarily, I only found out a couple of months ago. It is possible that your powers were activated by certain memories.” Bonnie responded.

“What memories?” I asked, the phantom pain in my head starting to arise.

“The ones you were going on about last night. Seriously you’re worse than Stefan was when he was a kid.” Damon stated, taking a mouthful of whiskey from his crystalized glass.

“I honestly can’t say what you’re-” I was cut off by a pain pounding in my head, like doors of memories wanting to open.

“Luce?” Stefan said, concerned. Elena and him had been looking after me in turn, whilst Damon went and did- well, what ever Damon does. If I were awake, I would feel him slip into bed with me. It always happened to be when Elena had gone home.

“I’m. I’m fine” I briefly touched a hand on my leg, focusing on why Damon had been returning so late, rather than the locked memories I couldn’t gain access to.

“It’s about the moon stone. He has it.” I blurted, causing the hand that was placed on my leg to slowly retract, and I felt a bum shift next to me. “Katherine stole it from you, and he has it. She will come, and she will lead you to him... Urgh.” I wobbled, falling on to the persons lap. I faintly saw Bonnie take a whiskey glass from his hand, and he placed my head near his chest, where his arm surrounded me. “D-Damon?” I asked. I felt a small vibration from his chest, then a small amount of weight on my head. Why was Damon comforting me?

“Luce is a psychic. She can tell prophecies, and the future. According to Grams…” Bonnie hesitated when she said Grams. She had recently passed away after sealing Katherine away in the tomb. But for someone reason I think it was a waste of time. I saw Elena place a hand upon Bonnies shoulder, giving her friend confidence.

“According to Grams, psychics are very rare. Especially in recent years, since the witch population has been dwindling.”

“So, I’m like an endangered species?” I said sarcastically, gradually sitting up from Damon’s grip. I heard a chuckle from him, but brushed it aside, noticing the time.

“Wow, 11 already?” I stretched and yawned. Even though my life consisted of sex, drinking bags of blood, passing out and headaches, I was really tired.

“I think I should get going. You coming Bonnie?” Elena asked, and I stood up to hug her and Bonnie.

“I’ll come too. I’ll see you later.” Stefan said as they left the door.

“Well that sucks. Can we go for a drive?” I asked, straddling Damon, feeling hyper all of a sudden.

“What’s got into you?” Damon smirked. He knew what I wanted, but he wanted me to beg and tease.

“Nothing. Can we? Please?” I asked, tugging on his top, his hands sliding down my hips and down to my waist.

“Sure.” I pressed my nose against his, smiling before flitting to the car, where Damon followed. “Get in then.” He chuckled softly, the moon giving us our own light. “So where’d you want you go, ma lady?” Damon joked, gracefully picking up my hand and kissing it, lightly pricking my skin with his bared fangs.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now