Chapter 19- Luce, Lucinda and Luciana

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As Georgia and Luce parted ways, the blonde vampire headed to Florida, whilst the other headed back home. As she began the long walk from the town center to the Salvatore boarding house, sensed that someone was following her. She immediately quickened her pace, tracking her steps and listening intently for footsteps behind her. She suddenly stopped in realization. Luce knew why she had been able to compel Stefan that day. “No”- she thought aloud. “That’s impossible. I can’t be…” Luce trailed, looking to the ground and shaking the thought. It was impossible- she’d been human all those years. “I can’t be his sister… I can’t, can I?” Luce reassured herself.

It was then she felt a slight, unnatural breeze occur from behind her.

“Hello, love. And to answer your question, I think you can. Because you are.”


“Hello, dear sister.” Klaus beamed, walking steadily towards his newly proclaimed sister.

“You- you can’t be my brother.” Luce stuttered, backing away from the blonde original. “You tried to kiss me!” She exclaimed, turning to run. She knew she wouldn’t get very far, but the nearer she got to Salvatore’s boarding house, the more of a chance she would have of someone being home- namely Stefan- and him hearing her agonized screams of worry and panic.

“Hmm.” Klaus thought; remembering the occasion quite well, but not recalling it being a passionate kiss. More like a slightly incestuous family kiss. “I did not kiss you with that intention; it was your kiss back that was what we would call ‘incestuous.’” Klaus smirked, flitting in front of Luce and grabbing her throat, lifting her off the ground.

“I am telling the truth. Why can’t you remember?” Klaus angrily stared into the oxygen starved girl, her eyes slowly caving shut, giving to the lack of oxygen.

“Obviously she can’t remember with a lack of oxygen in her system, Niklaus.” A brunette vampire emerged from the shadows, followed by a familiar blonde vampire that Klaus had developed slight feelings for.

“Glad to see you’re awake, brother.” The blonde dropped Luce, Caroline flitting to her side to catch her fall, and support her when she gradually was lowered to her knees.

“Why is Lucinda human?” The brunette thought aloud, earning a chuckle from his younger brother.

“The Bennett witch was foolish enough to transfer the elder Salvatore brother’s soul into her.

“Damon is dead?” Elijah questioned, earning yet another laugh. Caroline stood up, supporting Luce, who was regaining her weak human strength.

“No. He’s not.” Luce choked out, rubbing her throat and unlinking her arm from Caroline.

“Soon enough, dear sister. I mean, it was me who compelled him to leave after all.” With that statement Luce’s eyes widened. So whatever Damon had said to her that night… had been because of Klaus’ compulsion?

“So he does love me.” Luce mumbled.

“Yes.” Klaus chuckled, facing away from his brother and turning to the two girls. “Sadly, he does. It’s a shame really, I was starting to warm to him. I have to go now my love, we will carry on this conversation later; alone” Klaus disappeared from sight, obviously not wanting to confront Luce in front of his brother and the girl that he has mysteriously developed feelings for.

“Lucinda, are you ok?” The original asked.

“I’ll take her in. Thank you Elijah.” Caroline nodded, taking Luce’s arm once again. But Luce didn’t want to go to sleep now; she needed answers as to why Klaus thought that- once again- she was his sister. And Elijah seemed to be ‘playing along’ as well. Did it mean that it was true?

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now