Chapter 10- The Circle of the after life

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“You came.” He croaked, but his words ended with a slight smirk.

He reached his arm for hers, gently entwining it with his. Luce was wearing a black dress that covered her down to her mid-thigh. The dress was laced with silk, something she had kept all these years. He had kept her belongings, and she felt very glad the he did.

“Of course. Tonight is a full moon, isn’t it? I have taken your blood to suppress my werewolf side, so if anything goes wrong, kill me.” She ensured.

“Ah, there they are.” Their eyes laid on a group of two familiar people entering Mayor Lockwood’s house, each dressed for the formal occasion. They approached the newly entered couple, hoping to discover information. “Where’s my dear Luce?”

“Klaus.” She said.

“Why is it every time we meet, you need to repeat my name? Dear Elena. I see Stefan has been taking good care of my doppelganger.” He bowed before Elena, Keeping his eyes focused on Stefan, who was accompanying her. “Where’s Luce?” He repeated.

“She’s not well. That’s why Damon isn’t here either.” Elena said calmly. Stefan was stood firmly behind her, proudly wearing his new black and white suit. Elena’s dress was similar to Georgia’s, only difference being that it covered Elena’s knees, and was laces with a dim pink hue, which allowed her hair to shine within the florescent lights spread across the diameter of the room.

“Ah. So you were right, my love.” He nodded at Georgia, turning away from Elena and Stefan, making his exit.

“Where are you going?” Stefan asked, his brows furrowed.

“To my beautiful sister, of course.”

Running around the corner of the hallway, where she thought she might run into Damon, Luce ran straight into Caroline. Both of them stumbled, but Caroline’s sharp, vampire reflexes caught Luce and steadied them both. She was dressed in a gorgeous red dress, the end flailing within the breeze that was blasting through the house due to the door being wide open and the fire blazing up into the open skylight chimney. Luce was surprised how firm her grip was.

“Sorry Caroline. What are you doing here?” Luce mumbled, still dazed that Caroline had moved so fast.

“Hey Luce. What’s the matter?” Caroline pressed a hand to Luce’s forehead. “You don’t look to well.”

Luce swallowed hard, willing herself not to break down crying. “I’m not well.” Was all she could manage to say.

“I knew it.” Caroline said. “Once I had arrived at the founder’s party, I only saw Elena and Stefan. They had said that you weren’t there because after you fed on Klaus’ blood that your healing powers disappeared, as well as the scent of your blood smelling delicious.” Caroline sat Luce down next to the warm, open fire, where Luce tucked her knees up to her chest.

“How did you get here so fast?” Luce asked.

“I’m a vampire now.” Luce’s mouth gaped open at this. “I know, right? Although it has been several weeks. Thank god we’ve already broken up for the summer, otherwise I’d actually have killed everyone in this town by now.” Caroline chuckled, Luce copying. “I knew I could get a smile from you.” Caroline flitted down to the basement, where she saw Damon unpacking the freezer containing the blood.

“What’s up, blondie.” Damon smirked, downing another bag of blood.

“Damon, what’s going on? Your girlfriend is up there feeling ill!”

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now