Chapter 11- Bringing Out the Dead

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Authors Note: Sorry for the title, i know it's a big give away but it was the only thing i could think of ^^;

Anyway, here's a mini recap:


“You killed her.” A woman’s voice began to grow louder behind Damon, a flame encircling Klaus and Georgia.

“No. You are meant to be dead, witch.” Klaus backed to Georgia, tearing the stake out and slapping Georgia across the face. She drew in a large breath, jerking up to Klaus.

“Let’s just say that Bonnie’s ancestors weren’t too happy about you killing the newest member of the family.” Damon was the only one that could draw humor at this time, and Klaus somewhat respected that.

“And now, Klaus. Die.” Bonnie flew her hand towards Klaus, sending the power of 100 lost souls into Klaus’ hybrid body.

“NO!” Georgia yelled, pressing her bloody hand against his back and absorbing in the souls. As the souls passed through Klaus, Bonnie knew that her job was done, and stumbled back to Damon.

“You owe me, big time.” She said, breathless.

“I know, but right now I need to get Luce back home.”

“Damon, she’s dead.”


Chapter 11- Bringing Out the Dead


Luce is dead.

Those words tested in Damon’s mind. They felt wrong to him, unnatural, as if he was trying to comprehend the world turning upside down and inside out all at once. His whole world had fallen apart.

As he entered the Salvatore boarding house alongside Bonnie, the room was silent. When they all laid eyes on Luce, panic rose in the atmosphere.

Luce is dead.


Damon drew a deep, sobbing breath and rolled onto his left side, reaching for another glass of blood laced whiskey on the bedside cabinet.

Slowly and carefully, he arose from his pit, grabbed his black denim jeans, a dark colored top and a leather jacket from where he’d tossed it, pulled them on and flitted downstairs to the empty lounge. Luckily Stefan was still in bed with Elena, sound asleep.

Damon felt that he needed to be alone. Alone like he always was; and now always will be. He had given up on Elena as soon as Stefan had returned with Klaus.

He had tried to keep Luce out of the loop, hoping that she would just focus on her life with him, at least until he had enough courage to leave Mystic Falls.

Damon ran last night’s events over and over in his head, thinking what he could have changed. No matter how he played it, it would have resulted in the same, Luce dying.

There was something in the back of Damon’s mind that was squirming its way to the surface, waiting to be answered. Why hadn’t Luce returned to life as a vampire? Caroline had seen Luce drink his blood, and Georgia and Klaus had confirmed that she had been reverted back to a human- not that that was possible by his standards.

Surely his girlfriend was more special than…. Damon stopped his trail of thought, branching off into a new one. Girlfriend is too simple a word.

There was a bond that connected Damon and Luce, way beyond normal dating and sex, and even all the arguing. Damon knew that without Luce, he was forever alone.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now