Chapter 22- Life, Love and Death

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The lounge was full with Original family, Kol admiring himself in the mirror, Klaus drawing some sketches of a certain blonde vampire, Finn stood in the extended lounge with his mother discussing business, along with Elijah, whilst Rebekah grabbed a crystal glass and poured the bourbon.

“So Luciana’s really going to die?” Kol asked, admiring himself in the mirror once again.

“If you stopped looking in the mirror long enough you’ll see that I’m fine.” Luce appeared in the back entrance of the lounge, where she looked slightly paler than usual, her normally glowing complexion slightly tainted with pain.

“You should not be out of bed.” Rebekah snapped, getting out of her bowl chair and attempting to escort her back to bed.

“Relax, sister. Luce hasn’t been out of that dreaded room for days. It’s about time that she had some fresh air.” Klaus smirked.

“We could say the same about you, Niklaus.” Kol snapped, catching the attention of Elijah, Finn and Esther.

“Don’t make me dagger you, Kol.” Klaus stood up, confronting Kol.

“Is that the only threat you have? It’s getting a little repetitive brother.”

“Stop it.” Luce intervened, stepping between the two brothers.

“Not now, Luce.” Kol snarled, trying to push Luce out the way.

“No!” Luce shouted, grabbing her chest in slight pain.

“Niklaus, Luce, a word.” Esther entered the room momentarily, before leaving with the two originals in tail.

“Mother, I am trying.” Klaus snapped, upset about the argument with Kol.

“I know, Niklaus. But give them time. I have had long enough to watch over you and forgive you.”

“You can’t blame them Klaus.” Luce interrupted.

“No, I can blame you.” Klaus snapped.

“Niklaus!” Esther scolded “You gave me your word you would never bring that up again.” Esther ensured Klaus, Luce’s eyes looking between the two.

“Never bring what up again?” Luce asked, earning a shaking head from Klaus and a disconcerting look from Esther, before banishing the look and appearing like her usual self.

“Nothing, my child. Now take a walk with Klaus- now that you remember the past, you two have some catching up to do, I believe.” Esther nodded, leaving an awkward atmosphere between the two.

“So. I hear you like Caroline.” Luce broke the silence, the awkwardness not lessening in the slightest.

“What makes you say that?” Klaus denied, opening the door that lead to the grounds of the house.

“I saw your drawings of her. I always knew you could draw, but never that well.” Luce smiled, following Klaus outside.

“So is it true?” Luce asked.

“Why is it that you are so forward?” Klaus spat, wondering to the large apple tree and picking one of its fruits. “You realize I could kill you like this.” Klaus looked back at Luce, crushing the ripe red apple in his hands. A shiver was sent down Luce’s spine.

“Go ahead; I’m dying anyway so you might as well get it over and done with.” Luce boasted her confidence, but inside she was terrified. The tears hiding behind her blue orbs where slowly creeping to the surface, desperate to escape.

“I know our dear brothers will not be best pleased if I were to kill you now, dear sister.” Klaus sneered.

“Whatever Klaus. All you do is bluff. That’s all you ever were, all talk.” Luce spat, getting the attention of Klaus.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now