Chapter 23- In My Fiancé's arms

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 Chapter 23- In My Fiancé's arms

Ok... The chapter title.... honestly, its soooo obvious, none of you will guess.... ;)


After the couple had confessed their love for each other, Luce slowly fell asleep in Damon’s arms. He had some thought about the Original family, and something didn’t make sense.

Luce moaned in her sleep, flinging her arm, disturbing Damon’s bourbon and causing a spillage down the front. The vampire sighed, before placing the glass on the table and sliding his hands through Luce’s gorgeous, soft, almost night shaded black hair. He sighed once more, noticing that Luce began to shift again, only more violently this time. He grasped her shoulders, restraining her, trying to wake her up, but it wouldn’t work.

“Luce.” Damon called out. Luce was still unconscious, but began to mumble incoherent words, before muttering four words- four that Damon never expected.

“I love you, Niklaus."



“Luciana.” Elijah called. Luciana had disappeared from the family hut, and had been missing for several hours, making him worry.

“I’m here, brother.” Luciana addressed herself, appearing before Elijah.

“You’re not married yet, Luciana. Come, Your father is worried about his daughter.”

“He is not my father. Not once I marry Niklaus. Once Luther gives me away to Niklaus, I am no longer his daughter. I am Mikael and Esther’s, just like you are.” Luciana smiled up at Elijah, pulling him into a sibling-like hug.

“We have to go.” Elijah mused, releasing her from the hug and picking her up to her wedding.


“Niklaus, Luciana I hereby bound you as-” Before the servant of the lord could finish, Esther ran through the nonexistent doors of the courtship hut, grabbing Luciana and Niklaus.

“We have to hurry, I need you now.” Panic was spread across her face, none like the couple has seen before.

“Mother, can’t it wait-”

“NO, Niklaus.” Esther assured her son that what she had planned couldn’t wait. Luciana looked to Niklaus and placed her free hand on his shoulder, gesturing him to go.

“Luciana, my dear daughter.” Esther smiled at Luciana, gently caressing her cheek. “I need you for this aswell. I need you to help me.”

“Whatever you need, Mother.” Luciana kindly replied.

“So Mother what is so important that you need to-”

“Drink this, the both of you.” Esther commanded, her face that was once worried now looked authoritative and slightly angry. What was she up to?

“Ok.” Luciana replied, taking the large, metal cup from Esther and tasting a mouthful. She handed the cup to Niklaus, who was just as disgusted at the taste as Luciana was.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now