Chapter 5- The Return

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“We’re here. Go inside, he’ll be waiting for you.” I stepped out of the black car to see an ivy covered white marble house. It was exactly how I imagined an original vampire to live. At least the town that we drove through seemed nice.

“Are you not joining me?” I asked, as Katherine started to raise the tinted window.

“Klaus just wants you. Now hurry inside” She gestured into the huge Marble mansion where I was meant to meet an original.

As I walked up the white, leaf covered stairs, I heard a creak of a door to discover a house maid waiting patiently at the door. I stopped in front of her, waiting to be invited in.

“Let her in, Audrey.” I heard a voice from behind the door as Audrey gave me permission to enter. Audrey then closed the door before 3 vampires rushed to her and fed off her. I had to restrain myself from joining in, as I had not had blood in 2 days, the duration of the journey. Although Katherine wasn’t on a Stefan diet, she dictated that we had no time to stop, so we drove straight here.

“Come in, dear.” I heard the same voice call me, and I walked around the ravenous vampires into a huge sitting room with dust covers over every piece of furniture. The fireplace was bright and warm, logs burning continuously. I looked over near the front facing window where I saw a blonde man with glass bottles of whiskey and blood.

“I take it your Klaus.” I stated, slowly approaching him. He sat with his legs crossed and a drink in one hand whilst the other lay on the arm of the dust sheet covered arm chair.

“You are correct in your taking. Sit.” I daren’t disobey, I don’t know who I’m up against, but he must be powerful to be called an original.

“So why am I here?” I asked, being perhaps a little too blunt. Klaus gestured for one of his vampires to shut the door, leaving us alone.

“Slow down there, darling. Here, have a drink.” He poured a glass of blood laced with red wine, to thin it a little. Damon preferred whiskey with his; he liked receiving the kick of the whiskey after the satisfaction of the wine.

“Who’s Damon?” Klaus asked. I blushed, taking the blood and sheepishly turning away.

“He’s no-one, just a two timing jerk that I was with before Katherine picked me up.” I told the truth, but not the whole truth. I hated Damon for what he did, and I will never forgive him. But at the same time I didn’t want Klaus to kill him. He deserved to suffer along without me, not die.

“Anyway, you are here because I asked Katherine to bring you here.” Klaus leaned forward and placed his hand my crossed legs, causing me to flinch. “I’m not going to hurt you. What use would you be to me dead?” He laughed, and I noticed that he had the same accent as me. I was around Damon and Stefan for so long that my accent started to taint, and I hadn’t heard a British accent in months.

“You’re British, aren’t you?” I asked, curious as to his answer. He removed his hand from my leg and stood up, walking over to the fire place and leaning against it, just like Damon use to do, and nodded.

“You are here because I need you to perform a mission for me.” I stood up, protesting.

“You kidnapped me and brought me here because you need me to perform a mission? Fuck you.” I turned to walk out the door, but Klaus was already there.

“I really advise you take me up on this, for your own sake.” He threw his glass at the wall causing the blood to ooze down the wall. He looked back at the blood, then again at me.

“If its blood you want, take mine.” He ripped the arm off his shirt and bit into his arm, revealing a pool of blood that was slowly forming. “If you don’t, you’ll die.” He smirked, grabbing my waist and ripping into my neck. I managed to pull back, but not before I fell down to my knees, shaking at the experience.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now