Chapter 14- Shouldn't be Good in Goodbye

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Chapter 14- Shouldn't be Good in Goodbye.

“We’re here.” Slowly the car pulled to a halt, a slender hand turning off the radio.

“Finally.” A man said as he opened the car door and stepped out. His arms reached up, a yawn appearing on his face, scrunching it up.

“Damon we’re not here to have fun, so don’t wander off too far.” The blonde witch slammed her car door, shutting off the engine and opening the boot to lift her luggage out.

“Whatever. I just want to sleep anyway. That car wasn’t very comfy.” Damon flitted up to the doorway of the house, perching himself on the rocking chair outside on the porch.

“Georgia, don’t provoke him. If he gets pissed off, he runs. Then there is no chance of getting his normal self back. We came here to find a solution to the soulless Damon.” Katherine whispered to Georgia. Georgia nodded, tensing her jaw. Although she was powerful, Katherine was a 500 year old vampire, and could easily kill her without thought; especially since she use to work for Klaus.

“Here, help yourself to any of the rooms, bar the last one to the right, that’s mine.” Katherine said to the two vampires. As they entered the bland brick layered house, they discovered not to judge a book by its cover. Contrasted to the outside layout, the inside was interiorly designed with flower patterned grey wallpaper which was decorated with different portraits of what looked like famous people that had lived and died through the decades. The stairs were facing the front of the house, opposite the door.

As Georgia walked up the grand staircase, her hand ran up the banister, feeling the smoothness of the varnished wood, matching the landing of the first floor. To her right were 3 doors, each made of dark mahogany. To her left were 2 doors, each the same. She wandered around to the left, choosing the second door. As Georgia opened it, she discovered that the room matched the main room downstairs, finding the corresponding wallpaper and dark colored carpet appealing.

She sat on the edge of her bed, the plain covers bouncing at the shock of Georgia’s weight sitting on one edge. Georgia sat in silence, listening to Damon humming down the corridor, and stop at her room.

“I see you beat me to it.” He sighed, pulling the door to as he left and opened the door just up the hall from her. I expect that they had exactly the same idea- to stay the furthest away from Katherine as possible. This was going to be a long stay.

“Georgia, Damon, get down here now.” Katherine spat. It had been days since their arrival, and Georgia and Katherine had found any information as to how they could get Luce’s soul back, returning Damon’s soul into his vampire body.

“What is it?” Georgia asked, running down the stairs. As she jumped off the last step onto the main hall, she saw that the door was open. “Katherine?” Georgia called, but was caught off guard by a hand slamming her mouth shut from behind. Her eyes widened, looking up.

“Shhh” Damon said, raising a finger to his lips. Georgia nodded, steeping away from him and looking for Katherine.

“Damon?” A male voice said, but was disappointed when Georgia appeared around the corner.

“What are you doing here?” Georgia asked, seeing he had Katherine pinned to the wall with a stake inches away from her heart.

“Where’s Damon?” He shouted, driving the stake into Katherine. She screamed in pain, which made the male furrow his eye brows.

“I’m right here, brother.” Damon appeared from around the corner of the room, raising his hands in defeat.

“Stefan, we’re only trying to help him.” Georgia defended Damon, stepping in front of him. “What do you want with him?” She asked.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now