Chapter 3- Damon

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  • Dedicated to Georgia Samiotis

Sorry i haven't uploaded in ages!! TVD hasn't been on, so haven't really had any ideas... But not its back!! And i have a load of awesome ideas for the story!! 

Dedicated to Georgia for getting me to write this again :) Love you!!!

Take a look at the picture i drew of Damon on the side, i think you'll like!! (i'm a better artist than i am author XD)

WARNING: Violence and Sex scenes here… I tried not to be explicit, but when it comes to the Salvatore’s…. You can’t help it ;)

Enjoy :)

“Damon?” I asked, lying on the grass gazing at the vast universe of stars.

“Hmm?” Damon replied. It had been another very long night of honing my vampire powers, and to be honest I was shattered.

“Why did you turn me?” I peered over the sweaty Salvatore to see him sit up with surprise. He must of known it was coming; after all it had been 4 weeks. A month. A compelled policeman had told my family that I had been attack by a bear, and the body was only identifiable by my purse. Of course there was no bear, and I hadn’t known that my purse had gone missing until Damon was teasing me about it, holding outside the door.

“Luce, it’s time to come in, the sun is starting to rise.” Stefan shouted from the grand house. We were miles away, but our vampire hearing was far superior compared to that of humans.

“Come on, Luce. Daddy told us to go in,” Damon teased. Even though Stefan was clearly the more mature one of the two brothers, something in Damon’s eyes suggested that he had lived many more lives than Stefan ever would, which always sparked my interest in him.

“Come, ma lady” Damon gracefully offered his hand to mine, and I could feel my cheeks grow the color of a tomato; Damon couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh I do love it when you blush.” I slapped his hand away, fighting the urge to blush even more, and raced him home.


“I win. Again.” I sighed. Our traditional game of poker every night was tiring, because I always won.

Knock Knock Knock.

“I’ll get it.” I said, but Stefan quickly intervened and rushed to the door before I had a chance to stand up.

“No, it might be a human. Damon, take Luce and go upstairs.” I sighed, but Stefan always knew best, so without protest I followed Damon upstairs.

“I thought he was meant to be your younger brother?” I mocked as we both sat down on my bed. I had permanently moved in with the Salvatore’s, and Damon even went to my house and organized a theft where he stole all my belongings and brought them back here. Even my pillow and duvet sheets were as I remembered them, silky soft.

“He is. But I leave all the boring stuff to him.” He chuckled, his hand giving way allowing his head to fall on my leg that was leaning over the bed.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now