Chapter 24- Attempted Murder

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The Chapter name sucks.... but its so long and so much happens i didn't know what to call it! >.<

And before you say anything… I KNOW that my chronological order of things isn’t exactly right in this chapter, but it goes with my story line, and this was the only way I could think of writing it to introduce a certain character :)



“Damon?” Stefan yelled as he entered the messy room that Damon had fought with Klaus in.

“What?” Damon growled, rubbing his head, as he slowly sat up to see Stefan and Elena approach him with caution.

“Where’s Luce?” Elena asked, her eyes keeping off Damon. She was still slightly mad at the Salvatore’s for hiding their true plan to kill Bonnie’s mom, but she could tell when Luce needed her best friend.

“Gone.” Damon said, not looking at Elena or Stefan.

“What?” Stefan and Elena said in unison, surprised to see that Damon was acting like he didn’t care.

“Yup.” Damon said, popping the ‘P’. “She left with Klaus.”

“What?” Elena shouted, confronting Damon, slowly nearing him. “Why?” Damon sighed, walking to the entrance of the boarding house.

“Because she’s Klaus’ fiancée.” With that he was off, leaving Stefan and Elena with an exasperated look across their faces.

“I thought Klaus was Luce’s brother? This doesn’t make any sense.” Elena sighed, bringing her hand to her straightened hair and scooping a large proportion of it behind her ear.

“I’m going to call Alaric. He’ll know what to do.” Elena said, breaking the awkward silence between the two.

“Good idea. I’ll go and find Damon; no doubt he’s doing something reckless.” Elena nodded in agreement, Stefan rushing out of the door whilst Elena took a seat on the nearest chair.


“Nugh.” Luce groaned, gasping at the sharp pain appearing in her neck. Her hand went instinctively up to the wound, only to find nothing.

“Sorry about that, love. I got Tyler to clean you up, I thought that if you awoke whilst I was cleaning you up you might freak out.” Klaus said as he entered the large, very familiar bedroom. It had been renovated since the last time Luce had been here, but the mahogany theme still stood strong, and Klaus had now put a matching for poster bed with silk white sheets.

“Why- why did you do that to me?” Luce groaned once more, grabbing her head out of dizziness. She knew that if she tried anything Klaus would either snap her neck or knock her out again, so she just stayed in the bed.

“My… sources told me that you had a vision about your, past.” Klaus almost hissed the last word.

“You knew, didn’t you?” Luce said calmly. “You all knew. Finn, Rebekah, Kol, even Elijah knew. Why didn’t you tell me?” Luce was starting to get a lump at the back of her throat. She was so confused- to find that the man you want dead was your brother, only to find out that he is actually your fiancé?

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now