Chapter 8- Sired

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“A werewolf?” I choked, stunned. “How?”

“Simple. My father was a werewolf, and my mother was a witch. Not that complicated.”

“Even for a blonde like you?” Damon chuckled. Georgia snarled in return, threat across her face.

“Now, my love. That is no way to treat my darling sister’s boyfriend.” Klaus was surprisingly calm, considering he’d probably just seen me have sex with Damon.

“Come on love, we’ll meet them back at my dear sister’s house, where we will have a more” Klaus paused, possible thinking of a more suitable word than he was going to originally say. “More… casual conversation.”

“What does that mean?” I asked, confused about this whole situation. Klaus flitted so his nose was almost touching mine, and his soulless eyes staring into mine. Damon’s hand clamped onto mine, tensing. I gripped it back, petrified of how close Klaus was.

“You will see, my dear sister.” The back of his hand stroked gently down the side of my cheek, caressing it with a gentle nature. He leant in and kissed my nose, his lips a soft as a feather cushion. I closed my eyes, wondering if Klaus was in fact of my brother. I opened them to see the black forest in front of me, illuminated with the moonlight and dew drops within the air forming because of the waterfall’s spray.

“Are you ok?” Damon said, releasing my hand.

“No. Not really.” I honestly responded. I was a tad shook up about my best friend and my supposed brother randomly turning up out of the blue.

“Guess you want to get back then.” Damon said, slightly disappointed.

“If you want. I do want to find out what’s going on though. Are you ok with that?” I asked, turning around to his shirtless body covered by the same blanket that was covering me.

“Not only do I have two witches to deal with, now I have 1 original vampire hybrid, and two witch hybrids. Doesn’t my life just rock?” Damon’s smirk appeared yet again on his face, gradually causing me to lift my lips into a smile. Grabbing my underwear and my pair of black skinny jeans, I managed to slip them on under the covers. Although Damon had seen me naked (on a few occasions might I add), I was still slightly nervous around him. After slipping my skinny’s on, I grabbed my bra and loose t-shirt, as well as Damon’s spare leather jacket. He had said that he liked the look of leather on me, and whether that was genuine or a slightly kinky way of getting me to wear it, it worked. I must admit I rocked the leather.

“Here” I handed Damon his clothes, and he stood up not caring what I saw, causing me to look straight ahead, which was the wrong place to look.

“You can’t help yourself can you?” Damon smirked, slipping his boxers on. I turned away instantly, my face going the brightest shade of red physically possible. “Aww, I made little Lucy blush.” Damon laughed as I stood up, turning around to punch him lightly in the chest. When I saw air, I instantly retracted my arm and before I knew it, I was hoisted up by Damon, his leather jacketed arms swooping under my legs and one surrounding my neck. He lifted me into the air slightly, causing me to grab onto his collar and screeching. “God you have a loud scream.”

“I thought you would have known.” I said, mimicking Damon’s smirk. Admittedly his humor was rubbing off, and my modernized self was becoming slightly perverted- but I liked it. I liked it because that’s what Damon liked about me. At least that’s what I thought.

“Oh, I do.” He retorted, causing me to blush once more.

“Just get us home.” I said, burying my head into the bridge in between his neck and shoulders.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now