Chapter 21- Family Reunion

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Sorry i haven't uploaded in ages! Have exams and shiz popping up everywhere and anywhere they want to, so i have been waiting to upload a slightly longer chapter. Enjoy!!


In the Salvatore cellar, there lay an undead being, currently unconscious. This worried them all, because they did not know what he would do when he woke up.

“When he wakes up I want a word with him, alone.” Luce stated, her new found self was more confident and she portrayed to the likes or her brothers and sister, mostly Elijah’s nobleness, and Rebekah’s stubbornness.

“No. He already tried to kill you once; we’re not taking that risk again.” Stefan argued, insistent that he or Alaric be the ones to confront Damon.

“Stefan you haven’t been the same since you left with Klaus. I’m speaking with him, alone.” Luce snapped. Stefan’s mouth parted slightly at the mention of his leave with Klaus. How did she know?

“How-” Stefan stopped himself, knowing that with remembering everything that she was previously compelled to forget, she would know everything that has happened in the past months. “Do you remember everything?” Stefan asked, his brows furrowing.

“Yes- I do.” Luce neared the younger Salvatore brother, placing her hands on his chest. “I remember this.” Luce’s face neared Stefan’s, their lips inches away from touching. At that moment, Stefan was torn. He loved Elena, and always would. But Luce was the first girl that Damon had and he was ‘restricted’ from, which enthralled the vampire instincts of the chase within him.

“He’s awake.” Stefan pulled back, surprised that Luce was OK with his reaction. They were both confused; it was if Luce had been told to kiss him.

“Stay here.” Luce commanded. She rushed down to the cellar, seeing him gradually rubbing his head and groaning. “Damon?” Luce questioned, nearing the door to the cellar.

Suddenly she couldn’t breathe; as yet another vampire had entered the room and was cutting off the oxygen supply to her lungs.

“Let her go. She’s mine.” Damon snarled to the figure behind Luce. His grip loosened on the mortal Original, allowing her to breathe lightly.

“And why would I do that? After all she is my dear sister. Isn’t that right?” A familiar English accent spoke, Damon’s eyes widening at the sight of the blonde Original baring its fangs.

“Rebekah.” Luce hissed.

“Hello sister. Long time no see.” Rebekah smirked, pushing Luce into the cellar door that was holding Damon, causing the bolts to snap and the door to fall with Luce. She groaned with pain as she came fully aware again, standing up immediately.

“Stay back.” Damon commanded, his arm pushing an unsteady Luce back up to the corner of the wall where he stood protectively in front of her. “Leave her out of this.” He snarled, his normally crystal blue eyes turning as black as night.

“Why? She’s fully involved with what’s going on. Anyway, I didn’t come here to fight.” Rebekah paused, digging a small folded piece of paper from her dark colored jean pocket. “I came here to give you this.” Rebekah threw the paper to Damon, and once he had caught it she had gone with the wind.

“What it is?” Luce asked, still frightened of the aspect that Damon could kill her easily right now without regret.

“It’s an invitation.” Damon handed the unfolded paper to Luce, giving her a chance to read it.

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now