Chapter 18- The Truth

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“Klaus!” A familiar witches voice yelled through the empty corridors of what once was their home.

“Yes, my love?” A small breeze stroked the blonde witch, sending a tingling sensation down her spine.

“We are ready to leave. Have the delivery people collected everyone?” Klaus walked up to Georgia, cupping his hands with her delicate, ageless face.

“Georgia, my sweet. Stop, it’s fine. I will turn you-” Before Klaus could finish, Georgia had turned around, and was walking to the entrance of the house.

“It’s been over 30 years since I asked you. And even more than that since Luce died- yet I hear from your underlings that 3 new vampires have been spotted near this state. Is that true? Don’t lie to me, Klaus.” Georgia spat, venom forming with each and every word.

“Yes, they are near here. That’s why I am sending you away. Until the time is right, I need you to keep an eye on my family.” Klaus once again approached Georgia, this time forceful with his actions to get her attention. “Understood?” Klaus perked one side of his mouth before Georgia smashed her lips into his, perfectly in-sync.

Although Klaus was not one to indulge in such- mortal- happenings, with Georgia it felt right. He had never felt this way, not since his mind had been on breaking the curse, which had been placed upon him centuries ago.

“Klaus.” Georgia panted, out of breath.

“Yes, my love?” Klaus stared into her deep, soulless hazel eyes and smiled, causing her to blush a little.

“Turn me?” She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck. Klaus never responded, he just proceeded to kiss her, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer. Georgia’s legs wrapped around Klaus’ torso, allowing him to flit to the once piece of furniture that was left in the empty house- a four-poster queen-sized bed; only the bed for the original vampire and his one and true companion.

Once he had Georgia underneath him, Klaus pulled away from the kiss, lifting up his shirt and revealing his well defined torso and chest. Georgia immediately blushed, raising her chin as Klaus proceeded to dig his thumb deep into his throat, drawing a scarlet line.

“Drink.” Klaus demanded. Georgia jumped at the opportunity, but before she had a chance, Klaus’ eyes changed and slammed her arms above her head, restricting any movement. “Only if I can have a tiny bite, my love.” Klaus smirked, revealing his fangs. Hesitantly, Georgia nodded, lifting he chin up to the left to allow Klaus access to her pulsating neck.

A slight moan came from the witch as Klaus continued to feed off her, Georgia slowly becoming dazed from the loss of blood. She managed to reach the scarlet line on his neck, taking a finger and moving up his neck, she took in the originals blood, enjoying the satisfaction of the taste.

“Enough, Klaus- my turn.” Georgia seductively said, pushing him off with ease. His fangs still bared and his eyes still the look of concrete with veins- Georgia wiped the blood off his mouth before smashing her lips into his once more, with more intensity in the kiss than before. Klaus pulled away, biting his wrist and offering it to Georgia; without hesitation, Georgia pulled his wrist and began drinking, Klaus’ head leaning back in pleasure.

“Now we can have some fun.” Klaus smirked, pulling his wrist away and once again collided their lips together- enjoying the sensation of the mixed hybrid and human blood that was tingling their taste buds.

Klaus pinned Georgia’s arms above her head with one arm, before tearing her t-shirt off and lowering himself down, inches away from her lips.

“That was when he told me…. That he loved me.”

The Salvatore Brothers- A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now