He dies

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He dies

Michael: "H-He meant a lot to you, right...?" The small woman asked as she stood in your doorway. You took a deep breath and looked her dead in the eye. "You've been in love, right?" You asked her. She nodded her head slowly and you conitnued. "So, yes, he did mean a lot to me. More than a lot actually. Michael was my world and I appreciate you coming here to apologize on behalf of your stupid mistakes, but I will not forgive you. Not only did you take away Michael's life, who might I add was only 17, but you also took away yours. You know you just completely screwed it up by drinking and driving, but also because you killed someone because of it, you just get that much more added onto your punishment. It's hard getting a call from one of his friends saying that he was in a car accident. My first thought was maybe it was just come cuts and bruises and he'll be okay, but then they continued to tell me he was hit by a drunk driver. Now, by then I was furious at myself for letting him go out late at night to grab some extra food for our night in, but then I was furious at the person who did it. Then it hit me. The love of my life was taken away from me and I couldn't do anything about it. There was nothing I could say that could bring him back and there was absolutely nothing I could do that would bring him back. I could sit here and lecture you about how stupid it was for you to be drinking and driving, but I'm not going to waste my breath hating on the person. Even though your actions cost my boyfriend's life I'm not going to hold it against you. I miss him like you can't even believe and I want nothing more than for him to just walk out from behind you and greet me with a huge hug and kiss like he always does, but that won't happen. Again, I appreciate you coming here and all, but I'm going to have to ask you to go now... Thank you again, bye..." You slowly closed the door and slid down to the ground, letting out the tears you had been holding back for so long. "I miss you so fucking much, Michael..."

Ashton: "Why?!" You screamed, throwing clothing onto the floor. You picked up some picture frames and threw them onto the ground, the glass shattering as it came in contact with ground. "Woah, woah, woah, (Y/N)!" Luke yelled as he came into your apartment. You looked over at him and tears stained your cheeks. While Ashton was in the hospital he had sent the boys to come and check up on you when you weren't by his side and when he knew he wasn't going to make he he made sure they continued to check on you. Ashton wanted nothing more than you to be okay. "Why did he have to go, Luke? I don't get it! He lied! He told me he would be okay and that he was going to beat the cancer. He told me not to worry about him because he was a fighter. He wasn't going to give up without a fight, but why did he leave?! He lied! He's a lying bastard!" You screamed, reaching for another picture frame to throw to the ground in anger, but Luke grabbed onto your arm, stopping you. "He did everything in his best ability to stay alive... He was already at stage four no surgery could save him, (Y/N)..." "Why did he have to leave me...?" You tried to ignore the giant lump in your throat because you didn't want to cry in front of Luke. He had already seen you cry multiple times once Ashton passed, but you wanted to be strong. "He wanted you to see him with a smiling face before it got any worse. He didn't want the cancer to extremely bad, so he asked if they could put him out of his misery. All he wanted was for you to see him exactly how you saw him the first day you two met; happy. He always was happy with you and I do think you were the one for him, unfortunately it was cut short, but never forget that he loves you, (Y/N)." "I love him, too..." You cried, tears falling from your eyes like a waterfall. "Why did they have to take him away from me...?" You whimpered, falling to your knees. Luke wrapped his arms around you in a comforting hug as he tried to console you.

Calum: Your fingers traced along the letters on the stone delicately. Your whole world fell apart just in that moment. All those memories of him came crashing into your mind like waves crashing against the shore. Everything you had bottled up was let out in an instant. "I miss you..." your voice trembled with every word. It took every inch of you to get those three words out. It had been a while since you last had come here and you weren't sure if it was a bad idea or a good one. "It's been six months and it's still hard as hell without you here. I know you would have wanted me to be happy and try to move on with my life, but it's difficult. It's difficult trying to go on with my life when my life is buried six feet under the ground beneath my feet. You were what kept me going. You were what kept that smile on my face and now it's gone. The boys miss you, too. They say they can't continue with the band because it wouldn't be the same without you. Although, they haven't taken it as hard as me I know they are still hurting..." You sighed, wiping the tear that cascaded down your cheek. "I saw your mum the other day. I went to check up on her to see how she was doing. She's doing well. Better than me, anyway... I know you want all of us to be happy because that's what you would have wanted, but I just can't seem to let go. I love you so much, Calum and nobody, and I mean nobody, will ever take the place in my heart I have for you. I miss you so much..." You got to your feet and kissed the top of the grave stone. "I'll see you soon, Calum..." You whispered as you laid the flowers on the earthy ground before leaving the cemetery.

Luke: "Hey! You've reached Luke. I'm not available at the moment so just leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can - no! (Y/N)! I'm making my voicemail, ugh now I have to redo it all." A faint smile appeared on your face as you heard the familiar voicemail. You found it so funny that you begged him to keep it like that and he did. "Hi... So, here I am, calling you... Once again. I don't know why I keep finding myself dialing your number. Maybe it's because I yearn to hear your voice. I yearn to hear you say my name and tell me you love me, but all I have left is memories in my mind and this voicemail. I miss you so much it's crazy. I can't believe it's been a year since you passed and I still haven't gotten out of my house. The boys try to check up on me every once in a while, but I think they've given up on me... I don't know what you did to deserve to leave so early... I need you... I don't know how much longer I can go on without you." You laughed into the phone. "I remember when you used to walk into my room and wake me up with kisses and I would hit you with a pillow every time because you woke me up... What I would do to have that back... I don't care if you wake me up from my sleep I just want you back... Come back to me..." The voicemail cut you off with a short beep and you placed the phone on the bed beside you, staring at the wall. Nothing was going to bring him back and that killed you.

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