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Luke: He would always stiffen up when it came to arriving at the venue. He knew how much you hated crowds and it was his priority to get you safely inside. He would try and sneak in to the back with you but the fans were clever and would always wait by both entrances.

"Don't let go of my hand. Okay, whatever you do, don't let go." he would say and you could only promise with a frantic nod.

He would try to just run straight through them taking the brutal force of the crowd, making a path for you. It didn't always work however. Tour had really taken it out of you and you were so very tired.

You just wanted to get inside and take a long nap on a couch. He opened the door and grabbed your hand. You tried to keep up but your movements were sluggish. You could feel your hand slipping away from his. You tried to keep on but you heard someone shout," Get away from my boyfriend" and then a hand grabbed your shirt and tugged you away from him. You could feel nails scratching at your skin.

You couldn't see faces as you were enveloped within the crowd. You could hear Luke shouting your name but the crowd was so much bigger. Someone tripped you up and you took the opportunity to crawl out of the crowd. You made your way back to the tour bus where Liz still was. She cleaned your cuts and called Luke to stay in the venue otherwise the fans would probably do worse. You decided to just stay in the tour bus and sleep there. You wanted to see him play but the fans clearly didn't want you there and Luke loved the fans.

Soft kisses on your face woke you up from slumber.

"Hey, how was the show?" you asked.

"I missed you," he said getting in to bed with you, making you the little spoon.

"I don't know what to say. I feel like I can't protect you.."

You turned around giving him a chase kiss. "Don't blame yourself. I was tired and my reflexes clearly betrayed me. We just need to give them time. They'll accept us soon enough."

He snuggled in to your neck. "I'll send a tweet or something. And I'm increasing security. I don't want this repeating." He kissed your neck. "I can't afford to lose you."

Calum: You always loved watching him perform. From the garage to live shows it was your favourite thing to do. Seeing him in his own little world with the boys and thousands of fans was enough to make you smile.

It wasn't just his voice and the way your heart beat every time you heard the bass line. It was the silly little jokes between each songs and the interaction between each of them. You would always help Liz with her picture taking but sometimes you would just listen from backstage.

Today was not either of those days. Tonight you were standing in the front row just another fan. It was getting to the end of tour and you just wanted to bask in the energetic atmosphere that was a 5sos show. The show was going well until Beside You was being performed. It got to the end of the chorus when Calum blew a kiss at you and waved. You went to wave back when you were pulled back. You kept being pushed around and it only stopped when people noticed that the band had stopped playing.

"Why are you stopping for this whore?" someone shouted out.

You could barely make out Calum walking off stage, first whispering something to a security guard and then coming to get you. Whilst Calum was bringing you back to the stage you could see a few girls being taken out by the crew.

"Sorry about that guys.," Ashton apologised,"but in this family we don't tolerate behaviour like that."

You could hear a few fans screaming ,"Sorry" or "We love you Y/N." You could only blush.

"I want to end this song with you guys all singing along. Scream as loud as you can." said Calum. He sat you down next to him ending the show with the whole crowd serenading you.

Ashton: Tour was busy for all the boys so any chance of sleep they got, you would make sure they took it. You took this opportunity to check out the venue and set stuff up. You stood in amazement at the venue. You were so proud of the boys coming this far. From the garage to other side of the world.

Once you set the dressing room up it was nearly time for the boys to arrive so you decided to meet them outside. You got your phone out and asked if they wanted to put in twitter usernames or little messages. Most of them were compliant and eager until you reached the middle of the line. "

You're acting like you know the boys well. They don't even like you. Ashton's only with you because he feels sorry for you." one of them spat out.

You were shocked. "Excuse me? I don't think you can make that judgement."

One of them shoved you to the ground. "I'm Ashton's real girlfriend."

You almost laughed. Almost. They had surrounded you saying all sorts of hurtful things. Added with a few kicks you were tearing up. They scattered when the tour bus arrived. But not until they left you with a warning.

"Stay away from Ashton or else."

Calum walked up to you. "Did they say what I thought they said?," he peered at your face.

"What else did they do to you?" he asked. You wiped your tears away.

"Please don't tell Ashton," you begged. He looked at your smudged mascara and sighed.

"Fine but you tell me if it happens again."

You went inside and waited for Ashton. You fixed your make up and relaxed with a book. When Ashton came in he took one look at you, picked you up and carried you over his shoulder. No matter how hard you hit his back he didn't let until he reached the bathroom. He placed you on the sink and kissed you hard. When he pulled away you felt quite breathless. He brushed the hair out of your face.

"I should have been there. If I wasn't sleeping I would have stopped.."

You shook your head. "I told Calum not to tell you for this reason exactly."

He nervously chuckled. "Actually Calum only told Luke. So Luke told me. He didn't break any promises. And I promise now to always have you by my side."

He kissed your forehead. "Point them out to me tonight. Anyone who does that clearly doesn't understand this band. You don't hurt family."

Michael: You could have the most fun with Michael. He was always up for a laugh but whenever something bad happened to you he was a force to be reckoned with. Your bad fan encounters would always be kept secret. You never wanted to ruin anything for the other fans who were nothing but nice. It was just a few individuals who decided to get cocky and try to mess with you.

You were waiting for Michael to finish up in the studio so you both could meet up with the boys. There was quite a big group of fans and you decided to speak to some of them. You were taking a picture with one when suddenly you were grabbed further in to the crowd.

You were shoved back and forth and you could hear whispers of "Slut" and "Fake." It wasn't long until you could hear Michael shouting for them to stop. He decided to jump in and get you himself. You screamed when he grabbed your hand but he soon calmed you down.

He sat you in the car and said,"I won't be a minute."

You tried to stop him but the door was soon shut on you. You wiped your tears away and checked for bruises. There were scratches but you were sure some would form later. He came back after five minutes,entwined your hand with his and kissed it.

"That will never happen again. I swear. You're always going to have someone with you and those girls will never harass you ever again."

You snuggled into his chest.

"Not all of them were bad." He kissed your hair. "I know and I thanked them but some of them were horrible. No risks are going to be taken. Never. Not when it comes to you."

A/N how did u like it?
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