Your Nerdy Obsession

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Your Nerdy Obsession

Ashton: When Ashton found out your nerdy obsession, he would be mildly surprised. Not thinking that you would be into that, he would be a little taken aback. But he would grow to love it. It was a cute little quirk that he loved about you, because when you were in your element you lit up. You loved finding things in stores that were oriented towards it, because you got so excited. It made shopping for you at Christmas and birthdays that much easier, and Ashton did try and take an interest in it. Most of all he loved asking you about something, and watching you get so excited and eager to explain it to him. He loved the way that your eyes would grow wide and you would start talking a little faster. The smile on your face would be massive, and you always tried to make sure he understood. Even if Ashton didn't he would always say yes, making you feel like you had accomplished something major. Really, it was something Ashton loved about you, and he voiced it often. It always made you embarrassed, but really, there was a tiny part of you that was so glad he accepted that about you, and even took interest in it.

Calum: Calum shared the same nerdy obsession with you, which was something you bonded over. It was something that was so coincidental that it was really the reason the two of you really started talking. When you two were together, you were really the nerdiest people around. A lot of people really loved that about you two, even the fans. It was something that was unique and really made you two stick together. When you both got talking about the topic though, you both were unstoppable. Sometimes the band would have to leave the room because you two were just so involved in the conversation that nothing else mattered. or anyone else. It was something that really was a special bond between you and Calum and allowed you two to strengthen your relationship. Although it was nerdy, and you often got a lot of flack over it, for once, someone else got you, and understood you, and that person was Calum.

Luke: Luke was a little taken aback when he found out your nerdy obsession. He didn't know anything about it, so it prevented him from really clicking with you on that topic. And when you did explain it to him, he didn't always fully grasp the concepts or he would mix things up. He tried though, he took an interest in it for the sake of you, but really, he did it only for you. He tried his best to strengthen his knowledge in his spare time so he could surprise you with some topics. You did tell him that it was fine that he wasn't into it like you were, and that you appreciated the effort anyways. You made the reference to the Big Bang Theory, that he was Penny and you were Leonard. Leonard being the physicist and Penny not understanding what he did or really grasped the concept of physics. But he tried anyways, making an effort for you, and with that small effort, you appreciated it immensely.

Michael: Michael really adored it, and thought it was adorable when he found out. He would playfully tease you about it, and make little jokes, but really, he thought it was adorable. The jokes were never-ending though, and it was a form of banter between the two of you. It wasn't like he really meant it, and you knew that, and that was the fun of it. It was his way of taking an interest in something you really loved. So when he began to make fun of it, you would come back with just as many sassy comebacks, and that was what Michael really loved. Although he was playfully insulting something, you took it like a champ and was just as equally sassy to him. Eventually he would ask you a legitimate question about something, and you would answer gleefully, and just that smile alone was enough to make Michael smile and for his heart to grow fonder.

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