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Michael: It would early in the morning when you both wake up. He would have his arm still wrapped around you from last night. You tried to get up quietly so you wake him, seeing as how he was so jet lagged. You were about half way out of the bed when he pulled you back into bed, kissing you cheek as you giggled. "Where do you think you're going?" His voice was so raspy and his accent was thicker that it took you a moment to understand what he was saying. He chuckled at your muddled thoughts. "You're not going anywhere. You are going to lay here and watch bad shows on tv and let me kiss you here and there and cuddle for the rest of the day." He says kissing you. "Can I at least get some food first?" You said kissing back. Smiling happy to have your boyfriend back home. "In a moment babe." You looked in his eyes and smiled happy to have him back home. You pulled you in closer and started kissing your neck. "I'm so happy to be home" he said between kisses. You two watched TV before falling back asleep.

Luke: Grabbing a couple more tissue you blew your nose and handed the other to your boyfriend.
"I still can't believe we got sick!" He says with a stuffed noise, " I was going to show you around New York and everything. I even got the extra week off." you sighed sitting up to look him in the eyes.
"If I had to be sick with anyone in New York, I'm glad it's you." You smile at Luke.
You had come to New York for a week of adventures with your boyfriend but ended up getting sick after sneaking out to to get food and ended up getting caught in the rain. The next morning you both had woken up with stuffed noses and a sore throat.
"Good because you're my first choice." Luke smiled at you kissing your cheek with his chapped lips. You put your arms around his waist pulling him down and resting your head on his chest with him kissing Your forehead before the medicine kicked in and you both fell asleep peacefully...Only to be woken up a couple hours later by the boys 'quietly' checking to see if you two were doing better.

Ashton : "BAAABEE!!" You refused you move, "BABYYY" still nothing you refused to leave your spot. "BABE!" This time the yell was right next to your ear causing you to jump. As you tried to calm your heartbeat you heard your boyfriend giggling next to you like a little kid. "Damnit Ash, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
He smiled wide, " I wouldn't if you just come cuddle with me." He grabs the remote and pauses the show you were watching for the past hour. Waiting to see where Rose was. "No ash I'm watching something!" Swatting his hand away as he tried to pull you in. Cuddles with ash rarely were left as that. Sometimes you'd fall asleep together from being so at peace or things would get heated. You wanted to watch your show first.
"Rose can't come back because the hole is closed. The Doctor tries to tell her he loves her but gets cut off." Ashton says really fast before getting hit with the pillow that was laying on the couch.
"Now you know so you have to cuddle with me" you groan as he pulls you in and you lay together watching the doctor and rose saying goodbye. Ash ends up giving you tissues from the goodbye.

I will drag you in here
You giggled at the messages. you were currently finished a paper you had due for class while calum was waiting for you to come to bed. The paper was due first thing in the morning and you had to finish the last part tonight, seeing as how you were goofing off and hanging out with the boys.
"That's it. You're taking too long. My bedroom now!" Calum said marching into the living room scooping you up bridal style and taking you into your shared bedroom. You squealed as he threw you on the bed and pulled you into his arms. Spooning you, he murmured about how he couldn t sleep without you. "Finish the work in the morning" you smiled turning your head to kiss him before you both fell asleep.

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