He cooks

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He cooks

Ashton: "Babe?" You drop your bag onto the floor as you make your way into the kitchen. "Hey sweetie!" He says. He stands at the front of the stove, doing what looks like cooking whilst looking absolutely ridiculous. "Uh, what are you doing Ash?" You quickly run your eyes over the lace apron tied around his neck. "I'm cooking Y/N. Isn't it obvious?" He stops stirring the strange liquid on the stove to give you a hug and kiss. "Why are you cooking exactly?" You question. "You always do the cooking and the cleaning so i just felt i should help you out more and so, I decided to cook you dinner!" He says, raising the spoon in the air, splattering the red liquid onto the white walls and floor. "Oops." He looks down at the quickly drying sauce. He smiles sheepishly. "I don't suppose you could get that?" He whispers. You giggle before grabbing a rag and mopping up the mess. "You're an idiot Irwin." He grins. "But i'm your idiot!"

Michael: "Michael!" You groan into your pillow. Reaching over to the other side of the bed in hopes to grab some limb belonging to your boyfriend. Your hand is met with a cold and empty pillow. You sit up in bed, wondering why your boyfriend is up before noon. Throwing on your slippers and robe, you shuffle down the stairs lazily. "Hey baby." Michael says as you step into the little kitchen. "What in the name of the Lord are you doing up so early?" You say, quickly pouring yourself a cup of coffee before seating yourself at the table. "Making breakfast." He says happily. You raise your eyebrow at him. "Uh Michael," He looks at you, locking onto you with his bright eyes. "You kinda can't cook." He chuckles. "I think I know the level my cooking skills are at." You lean back in your chair. "And that level is?" He grins. "Cheese toasties and ordering pizza," He says sheepishly. "Is that okay?" You give him a smile. "I'll be looking forward to this cheese toastie. I've heard you're quite the cheese toastie maker." He shoots you a wink. "You bet I am."

Luke: The minute you got home you laid yourself down on the couch for a well deserved rest. You had finally finished your exams and let's just say the countless hours of precious sleep you lost we're finally catching up to you. You were just about to fall asleep when Luke arrives. "I'M HOME Y/N!" You groan, chucking a pillow at his head. "Whoa, what's got you so grumpy?" You lift your head up for a split second, muttering out a reply before dropping your head back down onto the pillow. "In english please." You shake your head. He pulls the pillow from under your head and you groan. "I HAVEN'T SLEPT IN DAYS LUKE, LEAVE ME ALONE!" You snap and he immediately backs off. He slowly exits the bedroom, leaving you alone. You feel bad for yelling at him but is too tired to do anything about it. You slowly fall into a deep, well needed sleep. "Baby." Luke says, sitting down beside you after what feels like a few minutes. "Mmmm." You mumble, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. "I made you something to eat." He says smiling. You glance down at the tray in his hands. You take a bite of the dish. "I hope it's ok." He nervously rubs his hands together. Your eyes widen when the food comes in contact with your taste buds. "It tastes awful doesn't it, i knew this was a bad idea." You shush him. "It's delicious Luke, thanks so much baby. I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier." He kisses your forehead. "It's alright sweetie. You should get some sleep." You gladly oblige; wrapping yourself up in the blankets and cuddling up to Luke. "I love you." You whisper before dozing off.

Calum: You're greeted with a lovely aroma as soon as you set foot in your boyfriends flat. "Mmmm, it smells great Calum!" You exclaim, walking into the kitchen and pecking your boyfriends cheek. He smiles proudly. "Thanks! Let's just hope it tastes as good as it smells!" He chuckles. "I'm sure it will." You wrap your arms around his torso, pressing a kiss to his collarbone. He shudders slightly. He pushes you away from him. "Nuh-uh," He waves his spoon in your face as you back away. "You are not going to mess this up for me." You fake gasp. "All I did was show my boyfriend some love and he pushes me away!?" He laughs. "Haha, now go away. I'll call you when i'm done." You back out of the kitchen. He calls you back moments later. "Are you done so soo-" You freeze in the doorway. He stands in front of the stove, a red liquid streaming down his face onto his clothes and staining the floor. "What the fuck happened." He looks down at the floor. "That's not important. Help please?" You giggle. You help him clean the kitchen before helping Calum remove the sauce from his hair and skin. "How about we go out?" You smile. "That'll be more than enough."

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