He insults you

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He insults you

Luke was fixing his tie, while looking at you from the mirror. "Babe" He said whispering turning around taking in your appearance. You weren't necessarily the skinniest girl, with the best assists but you gave Luke love and that's all he needed. However tonight he was just being a dick. "Are you sure you wanna wear that? " He emphasized the "that". You looked down at the white dress, that you had to admit you thought looked fantastic on you, but I guess it showed a little more than what Luke wanted you to show. You felt tears welling up in your eyes and you quickly hugged your tummy. Realizing what he just said, he quickly walked over to you hugging you embracing you with kisses and soothing words. "I'm sorry baby you still look breath taking" He whispered "I swear, I didn't mean it like that.." He mumbled into your hair. You rolled your eyes, pushing him away telling him you knew what he meant, but honestly you didn't. You went in and grabbed a loose maxi and put on a short jean jacket. Making sure it didn't show off anything extra.

Ashton and you were going to the beach and you had to admit attracted a lot of girls when he was shirtless, well why wouldn't he? He's fucking Ashton Irwin and you were his girlfriend. Who had the curves and the booty that he loved when you would pop it for him. He was that nerd, but today was a little weird. At the beach with the 5SOS guys, Calum being single would just hoot and hollar at all the hot bitches that passed showing their squat-tastic booties and their perky breasts. It bothered you as you watched Ashton check them out. All of a sudden, Ashton blurted out "Holy fuck she's a babe" He immediately covered his mouth looking at you, "Babe" He started but I held my hand up stopping him. "Don't even" You said turning on your stomach putting your headphones in, you knew he was trying to get your attention but all you could think about was the girl that passed with the bleached blonde hair, the blue eyes, the toned body the freaking.. boobs that just dammit. As you continued to think about her, you started feeling self conscience about your body, you quickly excuse your self wrapping yourself up in your big band shirt and ran back up to the hotel. Soon enough, Ashton had his arms wrapped around you tight. You just lost it, crying you held onto his arms shaking your head back and forth. "I'm sorry baby, I'm so so sorry I love you. I love you and your body, your sexy curves baby I love you" He mumbled over and over.

We were at a football (soccer) game and Calum was so into the game, and I was just so into him watching him cheer and squint and boo and gah at all the plays called. But then I noticed he had calmed down a bit, which surprised me. I caught his eye, and noticed he was starring at one of the players famous sexy model girlfriend's ass. You rolled your eyes "like what you see?" You questioned leaning back looking at him. He nodded and looked at her "Those calves are toned and that ass-" He quickly stopped himself, realizing what he was actually saying. "Your a twat" You spat rolling your eyes crossing your arms over your chest. "Babe" He slowly reached for your hand, which you quickly pulled away. "Not now Hood I don't wanna hear what else is so perfect about her" You mumbled feeling annoyed and most of all hurt. He sighed running his hand through his hair he stood up as the players were getting a drink of water, so there wasn't a lot of action. "IM MADLY IN LOVE WITH MY GIRLFRIEND Y/N Y/L/N SHE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND I THINK SHE'S THE SEXIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD" Your eyes were about to fall out of your head, to see him on the big screen and then the crowd erupted in cheers. You grabbed him and pulled him down starring at him blushing profusely. "Calum" you hissed. "Stop it!" You mumbled. "Sorry can't, my girlfriend drives me crazy" He smiled at me, making me roll my eyes kissing him.

It was Sunday and it was a boring Sunday the boys had been back home from touring for a few weeks, and Michael was over playing video games. But you were just so stir-crazy you needed to do something "Babe pleeeeeeeease" you whined shaking him, trying to get him to pay attention to you. "Babe stop" He shrugged your hands off his shoulders paying attention to his game. You huffed and plopped down on the couch looking at his room admiring all the posters on the wall. You picked up a photo of him and his ex playing video games, he still had this? you questioned looking at him. "Why do you still have this photo" You said holding it up, "What photo" He said still trying to beat the game. "The photo of you and Georgie" You mumbled holding the polorid up. "Because that was when life was easy and simple, when life was good" He said looking at his game intently. You felt the tears swell up in your eyes, you swung your feet over the bed and left slamming the door. Was your relationship to messy? To complicated for him? What did you have that she didn't, as you walked down his street to your car you were quickly pushed against it. "I'm sorry that's not what I meant, I love our roller coaster relationship our ups and downs make me stronger ever day it may have been simpler with her but I wouldn't want it to. It was boring and you make my life a living hell and I love that about you. I want you more than anyone else, not her"

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