He tries to change for you to notice him

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Ashton: “Um…why is your brother’s hair really straight?” you whispered to your best friend when Ashton walked into the room. He looked completely ridiculous and he clearly couldn’t see anything through it. His hair was usually curly and being honest you liked it like that. “Beats me, I’m going to the bathroom so maybe you can ask him,” your friend got up to leave. “Ash, what on earth did you do to your hair?” you teased. He shuffled his feet a little a bit his lip before answering. “Well…last time you were here I overheard you girls talking and you said you liked guys with straight hair so I just…” he trailed off, leaving you in a fit of laughter.

Calum: You were scrolling through your twitter feed when a picture caught your eye. It was of your boyfriend, Calum, and it really looked like he had a lip piercing. You called him immediately and he confirmed it was real. “Why did you go and do that? I thought you were afraid of needles,” you asked him, confused. “Michael said you two were talking and you mentioned you found piercings hot.” “Calum you goofball, I didn’t mean you had to go and get one!” You could hear him sigh with relief on the other end. “Good, then this is so coming out as soon as possible.”

Luke: You were an aspiring photographer and found yourself backstage at a 5 Seconds of Summer show. You said hi to the boys and went to set up. When you came back you could hear a lot of racket from the drum kit on the stage. You raised your eyebrow when you saw Luke behind it, struggling to hit the right beat. “Aren’t you the singer?” you shouted over him. “He found your blog,” Calum said as he passed. “And it said you were into drummers. In other words, he’s trying to impress you.” You blushed and covered your cheeks, thinking you could definitely make an exception.

Michael: You were at your favourite coffee shop with this guy called Michael. You two had been on a few dates, it was nothing serious yet but there was definitely something there. “What do you want? I’ll order it, I know the barista,” you turned around to him standing behind you. “Whatever you’re having,” he quickly said. You carried the two cappuccinos to the booth and set them down. After a half hour you realised Michael hadn’t touched his drink. “That’s gonna go cold,” you observed. “Okay (Y/N) I have to say…I freaking hate coffee. But you just seemed so excited to come here, how could I say no?” You grinned at his cute stupidity and went to get him a hot chocolate.

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