Thing that annoy you about each other

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Things That Annoy You About One Another

Luke - You absolutely hate it when Luke cracks his knuckles or anything else. He knows you hate the sound but just can't help himself. Every time he does you cringe and shoot him a dirty look, to which he smirks at and mouths "I Love You"
Yours - You have a tendency to smack your gum or pop it obnoxiously loud, which Luke, though he won't admit it, absolutely cannot stand. Since he's such a sweetheart and doesn't want to hurt your feelings, he politely tries to avoid being in the same room with you while you're chewing gum

Calum - Although he can have many annoying habits, his worst is pretending to not hear you. It usually only occurs when you ask him to do something simple like pick up his clothes or to throw away empty containers. Even if you've said it a thousand times he insists you haven't said a word to him.
Yours - Anytime you're sitting idle you have a terrible (and annoying) habit of tapping on things. You aren't even aware you do it sometimes, but you often do it when you're bored or nervous. Most of the time it ends with Calum reaching over and ending up having to hold your hand to make you stop, which he insists you do on purpose for that very reason.

Ashton - Everyone knows Ashton is naturally loud, it's just a fact, but no one understands just how annoying it is to live with him. As much as you love him, sometimes you just want to rip his head off. Whenever Ashton is home the house is filled with various sounds; music, singing, video games, and of course, giggling. It's hard to find a quiet place in your home but when it is quiet it's almost unsettling.
Yours - Ashton hates when you swear. Even though you try your hardest to avoid letting any profanities slip out around him, sometimes it's just impossible. Anytime you would curse in front of him, even if you've just dropped and shattered something, he gives you his disappointed face and lectures you on the use of inappropriate language. You always get him back though whenever he slips up...

Michael - As much as you loved Michael, sometimes you wished he would censor himself more. Michael's never afraid to share his opinion and is always very blunt, which you didn't usually mind, but sometimes you wished he would find another way to turn down a dress you like besides saying "I don't need everyone eye fucking you every time you want to wear that."
Yours - Michael didn't care when you played music around your house since half the time there was music playing anyways, but the one thing you did that absolutely made Michael want to rip out his hair was when you would play the same song repeatedly. He understood that you liked a song a lot but he couldn't stand having to hear it 3 hours straight and would often find excuses to get you to turn it off or find other ways to keep you

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